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Matthew Versteeg – Rank More Clients in More Areas 5 Days Challenge | Instant Download !

Give me 5 days and you’ll get better results for your clients while actually having a life when you join the…Rank More Clients in More Areas 5 Days Challenge
When you join the Rank More Clients In More Areas Challenge, here’s what you’re going to take away:

  • How to rank your clients without all of the guesswork and usual hassle
  • The only real way left to get a verified GMB when you or your client doesn’t have one (for under $30)
  • The easiest way to set a website up so it ranks in multiple cities
  • How to stop struggling with GMBs that suspend and instead get real rankings that last
  • The real secret to getting more clients- and it has nothing to do with prospecting, ads, calls or any of your sales methods
  • See the exact links to get that improve rankings every time
  • How I’ve generated over 12,000 phone calls in the last 12 months for a partner client and how you can do the same
  • What I do to take advantage of Google’s algorithm to drive my clients more phone calls
  • Why you’ve not been able to scale your agency or lead generation so far and how to finally break through to new levels you’ve imagined.
  • How to stop second guessing the steps you need to do to rank your clients in organic and maps listings
  • The secret to getting “rinse and repeat” rankings while you’re off doing something else
  • The SEO Formulas that actually work today and how to apply them in the right order to rank

Who is this class for? Rank More Clients in More Areas 5 Days Challenge

Local SEOs that want to rank their clients in more areas and business owners doing their own SEO who Will I get replays when I signup?

Who is this class not for?

Wantrepreneurs and business opportunity seekers. This class is not a shiny object to be added to your collection of courses, books and videos that you still have never gone through. If you are curious about business but not serious, please don’t waste your money or our time.