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Contrarianthinking – Contrarian Cashflow 2022

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Achieving financial freedom…
Just got easy.

Access a community and process that turns everyday humans (like you) into cashflowing, free-thinking millionaires.

Cashflow has helped 1,700 students create over $5mil in passive income

Why Become a Contrarian?

Your money is tied to your time and it’s a terrible trade. Even when you’re wealthy or have a high net worth, getting passive income and cashflow is still hard. Except it doesn’t have to be. We solve that problem by focusing on two things:

Buying, not building, cashflowing assets

Separating your time from your income

Every month you’ll get a playbook with a way to add 4-6 digits to your annual cashflow – step by step guides not just ideas.


Within 12 months, if you follow our strategies and take action, you will double or triple your passive income streams, and replace your earnings with investment income.

Cashflow Crew
A Community of Doers

Our group is dedicated to civilizing the mind, making savage the body, and building the bank account. Average is NOT in our vocabulary. We make it a habit of questioning everything. Each week you show up, you take action in the community, you read the playbooks, you share your wins and losses, and the magic happens.

Why You Need to Be A Contrarian

We may be in the midst of one of the most tumultuous periods of our day and age. Most people are unaware, looking for get rich quick schemes, and fast money ideas. They’re free loading and not free thinking. If that’s you, we aren’t your people.

IF HOWEVER, you are looking for a way to create generational wealth, with a road map to quit the hamster wheel and change your life… welcome to the crew.

Be prepared to do the work and pay it forward. We’re creating sovereign humans and those who want to offer hands up to the next generation.

Financial freedom will be the KEY to continuing freedom. But how do we achieve that? Contrarian Cashflow is our answer.

Why I Started
Contrarian Cashflow

Six years ago, I hated what I did, I worked 65-70+ hours a week and was a slave to my paycheck. Basically, I felt like I wasn’t even in charge of my day to day, not to mention my life. Despite years of schooling, investment banking titles, lots of hard work, and a pretty sparkly life from the outside, I was unhappy, and on the hamster wheel.

Today, the story is a bit different. I hit that magical (albeit ever-changing) financial freedom number, I own interest in 25+ small businesses and love every second of the life i get to call mine.

What changed?
One simple thing…

I began to think like a dealmaker instead of a rule taker. I began to focus on cashflow instead of accolades. I started investing in cash-flowing biz’s, funds and opportunities. I picked up a pen and wrote this down in 90 days imagining…

It only takes a moment. One action, to change everything. So I started taking action… I created Contrarian Cashflow to show you my path and how I’d do it again. It is not THE path, it is A path. Freedom can be found down many roads here’s the road I took to dealmaker and cashflowing to financial freedom…