
Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $59.00.


Toptradetools – TOP Cycle Strength Indicator

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Cycle Strength is an intense combo class that will push your body to the limit. It combines intervals of cardio with strength conditioning, moving quickly between the bike and equipment on the ground. Expect to work with dumbbells, bands, gliders, and your own body-weight.

Our Trading Edge

After spending almost 20 years developing trading strategies and indicators for two star search winning hedge funds, I have identified a simple yet powerful approach to trading that any trader can learn, regardless of experience.  The TopTradingTools (TOP) approach to trading begins with teaching traders the things they can do well over time, combined with powerful computer-based trading strategies, all designed to give you the best of both worlds.

Our Indicators and Trading Strategies
All of our trading tools begin with world-class research. Over the past 25 years, Mark Helweg has developed some of the most powerful trading tools in the industry – tools like ValueCharts®, the first ever model to display price in terms of value.

Throughout his Hedge Fund career, Mark Helweg has been the Director of Research for several Star Search award winning Hedge Funds and he has worked hard to develop innovative and powerful new trading technology that can be used to trade the markets.

If technology and trading tools offer an advantage (edge) to traders, which we believe they do, then you can potentially enjoy having an edge over the broad market with our trading indicators and strategies.

Once you learn to identify special chart patterns and trade setups, you will learn to trade in the direction of your forecast. Our indicators and trading strategies have been developed to be the best trading tools on the market. Our powerful trading tools are available to you on

Here’s What You’ll Receive :

Cycle Strength Indicator
Available for Trade Station, Think or Swim, Ninja Trader, Sierra Charts, and eSignal.

Bonus Quick Start webinar to help you understand the Indicator.