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Shaina Weisinger – Create a Year’s Worth of Content in 1 Day | Instant Download !


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Workshop Overview

When you’re focused on creating super high-quality content—in-depth blog posts attuned perfectly to your keyword strategy, engaging videos and lives, or even podcast episodes—are you rushing onto the next project the moment you hit “publish”?It’s time to get off the content hamster wheel and work smarter, not harder. In this Workshop, Shaina Weisinger, the Founder at Repurpose House, will teach you the system she uses to turn every single piece of content into over 14 different kinds of brand new content—for just about every platform out there.

By the end, you’ll have a full year’s worth of content (enough to post twice a week across any platform your customers are on) that turns absolute strangers into subscribers, customers, and advocates.

What You’ll Learn

  • Shaina’s 7×7 system for creating repurposed content from your most valuable and highest-performing assets
  • How to use the Complete Content Organizer spreadsheet (that you can steal for yourself) to plan out your own social media & content calendar
  • Design and image tips for all social platforms, plus simple design templates to get you started without waiting for the perfect hire, freelancer, or design tool to fall into your lap

Workshop Outline

What and Why Should You Repurpose?

  • Introduction
  • What is Repurposing Content?
  • Content That You Might Already Have
  • Module 1 Q&A Hot Seats
Content to Make For Repurposing

  • Content to Create That Scales
  • The 7×7 Worksheet
  • Module 2 Q&A Hot Seats (PART 1)
  • Image, Quotes, and Headlines
  • Module 2 Q&A Hot Seats (PART 2)
  • Content Management Organizer
  • Additional Ad Strategies
How to Repurpose Long Form Content

  • Production Resources
  • Module 3 Q&A
  • Repurposing for Social Media
Your Content on the RIGHT Social Platform

  • Picking a Platform
  • Social Tools
  • Module 4 Q&A & Close