
Original price was: $198.00.Current price is: $47.00.


Patrick van der Burght – Basic Photography Skills

Get great pointers on how to build your image collection for social media posts

Your Instructor

Patrick van der Burght

Patrick was spoon-fed videography from birth and creativity through the eye of a lens played a roll privately but became a valuable skill as the world moved to video with YouTube and websites.

Experience with semi-professional equipment and now the smart phone has served him well to not only create content on the go if needed, but also gives him insights to share with others.

Patrick is the director of 2 companies but will always have a hand in video productions as shooting and editing video to great story is more hobby than work to him.

Course Curriculum

  • Welcome to this project
  • Composistion (1:57)
  • Angle, Zoom and Light (5:16)
  • Getting the best angle – Day Care Centre (10:31)

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