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Justing Brooke – The Knowledge Network

In the realm of online education and course selling, Justin Brooke’s course, The Knowledge Network, presents a revolutionary business model that deviates from the traditional approach. The course promises an efficient and lucrative way to build an online course business without the need for the course creator to be on camera or even an expert in the field. Brooke introduces the concept of “Knowledge Networks,” a model that leverages a community of experts to create a comprehensive and engaging learning experience for students, while also offering a more scalable and sellable business for the course creator.

The course addresses a common challenge faced by online course creators—the constant demand for the expert’s presence in webinars, sales calls, and coaching sessions. This traditional model can be draining and limits scalability. Moreover, it poses difficulties when it comes to selling the course business, as investors are often hesitant to buy expert-based businesses that rely heavily on the individual expert.

Enter the Knowledge Network model. This innovative approach envisions a future where course creators are part of a vibrant community of experts. Instead of being the sole content creator, the course creator can collaborate with other experts who contribute content, handle coaching calls, and engage with the community. This not only reduces the workload for the course creator but also creates a sellable business that isn’t solely dependent on the founder’s face for success.

The course introduces four successful platforms that have adopted the Knowledge Network model across various niches, including Yoga, Coding, Business, Music, Religion, and Fishing. These case studies showcase the versatility and profitability of the Knowledge Network model, with multi-million dollar earning examples.

To implement this business model effectively, the course covers key aspects such as onboarding expert course creators, adopting new pricing strategies tailored for this model, and providing insights into the outreach used to attract over 30 experts. It emphasizes the simplicity of the model, highlighting that the experts do the majority of the work, similar to authors writing books for publishing companies.

The course delves into marketing strategies, revealing the outreach methods used to attract expert course creators. It also breaks down the pricing strategies specifically designed for Knowledge Networks, cautioning against using traditional pricing methods.

Justin Brooke and his co-founder, Chaunna Brooke, share their wealth of experience and success stories, offering participants a comprehensive understanding of the Knowledge Network business model. The course includes eight hours of workshop recordings covering the business model, strategies to convince experts to create courses, marketing campaigns that generated $4.8 million, and insights into tools and processes.

The course also features case studies of successful Knowledge Networks, such as AbundancePlus, Yousician, SundayPlus, and AdSkills. These platforms demonstrate how the Knowledge Network model fosters collaboration, innovation, and mutual growth among instructors.

In conclusion, the Knowledge Network course introduces a paradigm shift in the online education industry, presenting a business model that not only simplifies the course creation process but also enhances scalability and sellability. With a focus on community, collaboration, and proven success stories, Justin Brooke’s course opens up new possibilities for aspiring and experienced course creators alike

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