

Frank Julie – The Art of Leadership and Management on the Ground

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Leaders, managers and adult educators in Africa and countries of the South often face difficulties in finding education materials that are both educationally sound as well as appropriate to our context. This book, compiled by Frank Julie, will be an extremely valuable resource to those in non-profit organisations (NPO’s) who want to develop their leadership potential and skills as well as those working in the field of training in organisation and leadership development.

The book combines a thoughtful, critical understanding of the theory and politics of leadership development with practical resources for effective skills development. In addition, it is grounded in the history of organisation-building in the context of the developing world, and combines the collective wisdom of generations of organisation-builders with a sensitive understanding of the challenges of building new layers of leadership who will be able to take their organisations effectively into the future.

The book is written in an engaging and challenging style. It encourages its readers to rethink their assumptions and develop a critical ‘gaze’ not only on their organisations and social context, but also on themselves, and its holistic approach emphasises not only the politics of the organisation, but also the politics of ‘self’. Adult education staff at the University of Cape Town has enjoyed a long and fruitful relationship with Frank Julie, and we are very gratified to see him making this important contribution to the development of leadership in organisations.

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