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Scrapbook Bundle – Ecommerce and SaaS By Kacper Staniul – Instant Download!

190+ tactics used by the highest converting, fastest growing stores on the Internet
Creating a high-performing store is not rocket science. Steal these proven tactics and accelerate your growth.

What’s inside?
190+ easily filterable tactic ideas to grow your ecommerce store

Optimize the whole funnel

From homepage to checkout, get new tactic ideas and improve the underperforming steps of your funnel.

Real-world examples
Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Test tactics used by best-in-class ecommerce stores to create high-converting machines.

More traffic, higher conversion
Inside you’ll find: ad tactics, ideas on how to optimize your pricing, increase the perceived value of your product, decrease cart and checkout abandonment, psychological tactics, referral tactics, ideas on how to increase average order value, personalization tactics… and much more.

Need a second pair of eyes?

Get up to speed with a highly actionable teardown of your store and a prioritized list of action items.

Learn why your store doesn’t convert and how you can fix it.

Get up to speed with a highly actionable teardown of your store and a prioritized list of action items.

Learn why your store doesn’t convert and how you can fix it.

What other marketers and founders say

Nimrod Priell
The most comprehensive list of marketing tactics, that’s chock full of ideas and practical info you’d have to spend months and tens of thousands of dollars to aggregate otherwise. Really worth it!

Andy Whyte
Founder, MEDDICC
Brilliant! Simply brilliant. Does exactly what it promises to do and much more. Kacper also genuinely keeps adding to it with new ideas and strategies. Great value for money. If you can’t get a massive ROI on this then you’re in the wrong profession! 😁

Mark Srour
‍Head of Strategy, Qwilr
The SaaS scrapbook is a valuable tool in the arsenal of any growth professional. It’s a treasure trove of ideas, both common and cutting-edge, and the added value of tags and examples alongside each idea makes the scrapbook more than just a simple list of tactics.

Hey, I’m Kacper.

Scrapbook Bundle - Ecommerce and SaaS By Kacper Staniul

Scrapbook is my personal collection of tactics collected during the last couple of years working in growth and analyzing what the fastest growing startups do right.

I hope it will help you fill your experiment backlog for months to come.

– Kacper Staniul, Growth Marketer and Maker of Scrapbook