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Real Free Life Coaching Program By Kevin Rogers – Instant Download!

What If You Had A Proven System To Get Better Clients, At Higher Rates, And A Steady Flow of Leads Coming To YOU Instead Of The Other Way Around?

It’s Time To Uncover Your True Specialty and Become A Sought-After Expert In Your Industry

April Dykman, Direct response copywriter and sales funnel consultant

“Doubled my income over the previous month, then doubled it again!”

Mike Rinard, Facebook Ad and StoryMapping Specialist

“Thanks to RFL, I’m so sought out for my specialty I barely even write copy anymore unless I want to, or it’s for my own offers.”

Chris Orzechowski, Email Specialist

“Through Kevin’s training, I doubled my monthly freelance income while working less hours on writing projects.”

Have You Ever Wondered Why Some Freelancers Are Flooded With Leads, Get Paid Higher Rates, and Earn MORE While Working Less Hours…

… While Others Struggle With Low Pay, Lousy Clients, and
Constant Imposter Syndrome?

Right now, hundreds of businesses are moving online and hiring remote freelancers. That means there’s more opportunity for freelance copywriters than ever before.

If you look closely, the freelancers who are flourishing all have one thing in common – a true specialty that’s based on their unique Copywriting DNA and makes them an expert in their industry.

There’s never been a more important time to become known as a specialist in our fields than right now.

Yet, many freelancers are still afraid of specializing because they worry it will limit their options…

Real Free Life Coaching Program By Kevin Rogers

But after a decade of training freelancers, I can tell you with complete confidence that the opposite is true.

When people ask me to recommend a copywriter to them, which is almost daily, they’ve never once said…

“Kev, who would you recommend to write me some super basic copy? Ya know, just something to fill the white space on a web page. One step above lorem ipsum is all I need. Got anyone like that?”

You know why? Because they don’t need me to recommend that person, there are entire job sites full of people who’ll do it for a fiver 🙂

What they DO ask me for is a copywriter “who specializes in things like…

Facebook ad copy… email sales sequences… storytelling… webinar scripts… cold traffic funnels… YouTube scripts… dialogue driven copy… humor writing…”

And when they do, I instinctively scroll through my mental Rolodex and come up with two or three names on the spot.

Those kinds of connections are far more likely to turn into paid gigs because…

… when a client is looking for a specialist, it means they know exactly what they need, why they need it, and what that skill is worth to their business.

For the specialist freelancer, there’s none of the B.S. involved with chasing prospects down or having to work to close the deal. Clients are excited to meet you and ready to get going.

And in every case I see, specialist freelancers have it far better than generalists. That’s because when you specialize the right way, you…

  • Get paid higher rates by better clients who seek you out as the go-to industry expert
  • Grow bigger lists, multiple revenue streams, and have complete control over your income
  • Have clients coming to YOU instead of the other way around
  • Write less and consult more (that sweet “hang up and you’re done” money!)
  • Grow faster because you focus better
  • ​Are constantly asked to speak on more stages and podcasts
  • ​Have less competition and more opportunities coming your way
  • ​Have the freedom to call the shots in your career – choosing who you work with, how you structure your deals, and how much you get paid for the work you do.

But what most expert specialists won’t tell you, is that
“picking a niche” isn’t enough

You’ve got to be widely known as the “go to” specialist in your market.

For one thing, you’ve got to find your true specialty based on your unique Copywriting DNA
– a careful balance of your passion and ideal lifestyle that builds upon all the previous work, experience, and accomplishments you’ve already achieved in life.

And once you’ve found your true specialty, you can’t just hope that the right people will find you.

If you want to command higher rates, work on projects you’re passionate about, become a respected authority in your niche, and have complete control over your income and career…

Only then will potential clients, partners, and referrals seek YOU out, instead of the other way around.

The challenge is, these days it seems like everyone and their dog is spouting promises that they’ll help you specialize and get better clients – simply because you join their high-ticket mastermind.

But most of these programs just spit out carbon-copies of the coach and graduates end up looking much the same.

The problem is, when you’re entering highly competitive markets (where true careers are really launched), being too similar to “all the other specialists” is no better than being a generalist in the first place!

After all, if you listen to the intro of any guest on a podcast. You will never hear the host say…

“I’m very excited about today’s guest, she’s a run-of-the-mill generalist in the field of…”

Besides, many of these programs don’t teach the skills needed to truly build a freelance business that gives you complete control over your income and how you work.

Even if you join a decent mastermind to get leads, building a true “freedom business” requires “learning to fish” for yourself.

Only then can you thrive when the hand-fed leads dry up.

This means getting the right people to seek YOU out because you’re widely known as the go-to expert.

And the fastest way to do that is to uncover your true speciality.

The one that’s centered around what you love and are confident in. The one that’s completely supported by your unique Copywriting DNA that makes you the best YOU. The one that helps you stand out from everyone else out there.

Only then will it feel natural to build your authority, and confidently OWN it.
After spending 10 years as a freelance copywriter, I’ve made every mistake on the way to success.

I wanted to help other freelancers avoid making those same painful mistakes, so I created a proven system for finding and using your true specialty. Now my system has helped thousands of freelancers become the go-to specialist in their field.

It’s a step-by-step playbook that shows you how to:

  • Uncover your TRUE specialty based on what you love so it feels natural to build your reputation and authority in a way that beats back imposter syndrome…
  • ​Build and sell your own offers that inject quick cash flow into your business…
  • Grow your own list so you have the freedom to structure your business around your ideal lifestyle…
  • ​Crisis-proof your business so you can quickly pivot your offers and messaging when massive events cause shifts in the way companies do business…
  • ​Have complete control over your reputation and lead flow by becoming “niche famous” as the go-to authority in your industry…
  • ​Learn how to vet leads and projects so you command higher rates, attract profitable partnerships, and protect yourself from overcommitting to bad clients who burn you out without moving you forward.

When You Go Beyond “Choosing a Niche” and
Truly Specialize, the Big Wins Come Easy

With the overwhelming abundance of clients looking to hire freelancers right now…

If you’re not feeling the twist of joy from being a copywriter in today’s world – it’s time to fix this.

Because there’s more opportunities than ever before, and if you’re feeling scared and disempowered, it’s probably because you’re not a true specialist.

Now is the time to say “no more” and find your true specialty so you feel empowered to take complete control of your income and your business.

For example, this is my Real Free Life Supergroup – my high-level personal training mastermind made up of a tight-knit group of 6-10 superstar freelancers who I give my personal attention to:

You’ll see that each and every one of their specialities is clearly defined, and they have complete confidence in their expertise.

If you don’t feel this confident in your skills, your authority, and your speciality…

If high-quality clients aren’t seeking you out and happily pay you great rates for your expertise…

I can help you fix that.

Real Free Life Coaching Program By Kevin Rogers

If you don’t already know me, I’m Kevin Rogers…

I’ve been a freelance copywriter for ten years, and I’m sure I’ve made every mistake possible when it comes to attracting, landing and delivering projects for clients.

I’m happy to report that, despite all my mistakes, I’ve been able to grow a 7-figure income freelancing, build a solid reputation in the industry, and create fantastic partnerships (and many lasting friendships) in the process.

For the past 3 years, I’ve been quietly training a select group of freelance copywriters on how to uncover their true specialty, become sought-out, respected experts in their industry, and capitalize on that authority to build their dream business.

In this training program, I show my students how to:

Attract high-quality clients, who pay what you’re worth… and never take advantage of your “niceness”, strong work ethic, or habit of accidentally undercharging.

Take charge of client negotiations and prospect calls… “adult in the room” conversations that would make John Carlton proud.

Quickly become a recognized authority in your niche, without waiting for permission from someone smarter, wiser, older, or more expensive.

Create a marketing plan and lead-flow strategy that works for you, so you can have a full roster of clients eager to pay high prices and stop living “gig to gig” on a wing and a prayer.

Discover your true specialty that gets you noticed, remembered, booked, and paid… FAST.

Get “Live Mic Ready” so that you shine confidently in every opportunity to deliver value and raise your authority on podcasts, webinars, even live stages.

Protect yourself from being “taken advantage of”: fees, deadlines, and that nasty, insidious Scope Creep. (If you’ve ever had a job that mushroomed out of control, you know what I’m talking about.)

Design your work around your lifestyle, NOT the other way around. (If you’re asking, “What lifestyle? All I do is work,” you’re not alone. But it doesn’t have to be that way forever.)

Let me tell you, training these freelancers has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my 20-year-long career in marketing.

It’s clear to see why. Just look at these guys!

“Thanks to RFL I quickly went from “just another copywriter” to specialist. I’m so sought out for my specialty I barely even write copy anymore unless I want to, or it’s for my own offers and products. Clients hire me to consult with them in their business, and I get to put all my copy skills to use to grow my own offers.”

Mike Rinard
Facebook Ad and StoryMapping Specialist

“Before RFL I was fumbling in the dark and didn’t know how to find good clients, but RFL created that stability and consistency in my income.. With Kevin’s training, I hit my income goal right away, and it hasn’t dropped since. Now I make $10k /month consistently and have stuff coming down the line that will consistently increase my monthly income. I use my freelance skills to provide for my wife and family and I still have the freedom to do what I want.”

Jeff Kimes
Health and Lifestyle Business Copywriter

When You Finally Have A Plan You Can Trust…
Confidence In Your Skills And Momentum In Your Business Comes Naturally

With many of the working freelancers I coach, the essentials for great success are already in place.

They’re great at performing their ‘money-skill’, and they’re savvy thinkers inspired to do great things…

But what they lack is validation, confidence and a set of specific action steps to get them the clients, the money, the work, and the reputation they deserve.

The success they seek is so close! It’s just right there. All they need to do is reach out and grab it.

But it turns out…

The skills that make you a great copywriter, are NOT the same skills that make you a successful business person.

And to make it more complicated: Freelancing is not your typical business. It has its own set of quirks and frustrations.

You can’t use just any ol’ business strategy to build and grow your freelancing business. It just won’t work!

One day, I got tired of watching good writers wash out, burn out, stay broke, and get taken advantage of.

That’s why I created my Real Free Life training program.

In Real Free Life (RFL), I help freelancers uncover their true speciality, learn how to truly OWN it, and build authority to become a respected,
sought-out expert in their industry.

RFL gives you the confidence to say “no more” to bad clients, low pay, and crippling imposter syndrome.

Not only do we build the skills needed to take your business to a higher level…

We also focus on getting rid of the head trash and bad habits that are holding you back. That way we can create a clear picture of what your business should look like, and a plan to make it happen.

And praise for the Real Free Life course is always through the roof…

“I was tired of feeling like I was on a hamster wheel to pay bills. RFL gave me the structure, training, and accountability I needed to grow my business. Everything from how to find the right clients (and talk to them) to writing contracts that cover your ass. The results? No more hamster wheel. Instead, I have sophisticated clients who respect my expertise and don’t question my prices. I have advisors I can go to for help any time. I also get great job referrals, so no more worrying about quality control for clients. I got so much value out of RFL that I actually did the program 2 times!”

Carolyn Ananian

Direct Response Copywriter for Money Map Press

Am I bragging? Indeed I am.

I couldn’t be prouder of everything my students have accomplished.

Yes, I created the action plan, the proven tactics, and the rock-solid advice…

… but these guys took action.

They trusted the system.
They implemented.
And they celebrated the heck out of each other, along the way.

They deserve every bit of success they’ve achieved.

Learn The 4 Key Steps To Building True Authority So You’re Sought Out By Great Clients, Leads, and Referrals
Real Free Life (RFL) is a 4-part business-building training program for freelance copywriters who want to get paid what they’re worth, doing great work, for great clients.

In this program we walk you through the 4 key steps needed to find your true specialty, become a sought-out expert in your industry, and capitalize on the opportunities coming your way.

Step #1 – Visualize:
In Phase 1 of RFL you’ll get crystal clear on what it is you truly want from freelancing. You’ll learn how to identify and attract your best prospect (and repel pain-in-the-ass clients and tire kickers).

You’ll define your dream business, and design it to fit around your ideal lifestyle. Once we’ve got that clarity, we’ll work together to build a plan that brings it to life.

Step #2 – Specialize:
In Phase 2, you’ll uncover your true specialty based on your Unique Copywriting DNA and discover the value of your unique talents. You’ll learn how to determine your prices based on what YOU want to earn, and frame the value of your service so price is never your prospect’s first concern.

You’ll learn how to get insanely good at what you do so you can project real confidence and raise your flag of authority. This makes it natural to own your specialty so it’s easy to position yourself as an expert.

Step #3: Legitimize:
In Phase 3 of RFL, you’ll learn how to set yourself up for success – Embracing the frameworks that protect you from underselling yourself or getting taken advantage of.

You’ll learn how to develop assets that get leads coming to you, and establish yourself as a true professional who clients see as their go-to specialist and are eager to work with and recommend.

Step #4: Capitalize:
In Phase 4, you’ll learn how to take control over your income and your workflow – commanding higher rates, from better clients, and structuring deals that support your ideal business.

You’ll get paid more for what you love doing, and create multiple income streams that suit your ideal lifestyle.

Throughout the entire program, you’ll be building relationships with your co-coaches and “battle buddies” – Developing a network of supportive colleagues, and recognizing that you do not have to do it alone.

By the end of the 4-part training program, you’ll have everything you need to walk through those 4 key steps and quickly progress through Phases 3 and 4 of The Freelancer’s Journey.
The Freelancer’s Journey

Real Free Life Coaching Program By Kevin Rogers

Just like…
Sam Woods, who used RFL to take his business to a higher level.
“Joining RFL is one of the best things you can do for your career as a copywriter. Before I joined RFL I felt “stuck” in my business. Finding my specialty is what drives most new business coming my way. RFL exposed flaws that I’ve now fixed in my business, and helped me attract the RIGHT kind of clients. In fact, I now easily say “no” to prospects that don’t fit my specialty because I have a lot more confidence and authority in my strengths. Plus, the relationships you form in the group – there’s no better place to be as a copywriter. Do what Kevin tells you to do and you WILL succeed.”

Rachael Kraft, who found her true specialty and positioned herself as a Lead Magnet consultant.
“Before RFL I didn’t know the long-term path for my business. RFL helped me marry together what I love, and what I’m good at. I found my REAL specialty to create my own products and my own voice, and spend less time while earning the same amount of income. Now I have confidence, a clear path, and I know exactly where my business is going. 

I had my best month ever after RFL, and still mastermind with the group monthly to build up each other’s businesses.”

How Does RFL Work?
Over 4 in-depth modules, we’ll move through the 4 key steps needed to move through Phase 3 and Phase 4 of The Freelancer’s Journey.

You’ll also have homework assignments that help you build real, income-generating assets in your business.

Using the training lessons, tactical homework assignments, and extra community support – You’ll learn exactly how to build your authority, safely raise your rates, attract better clients, and build a freelance business that you can be proud of.

AND a brand new RFL Workbook. We’ve assembled each of the weekly assignments and turned them into “open and go” worksheets you can complete and turn in all in one shot.

This workbook not only helps you keep all your assignments organized, it serves as your ongoing Playbook for checking in with your business once a quarter. If something is off, there’s a good chance you need to revisit one of the foundational lessons, and put the phone scripts or marketing frameworks into action.

“Ok, Sounds Great – But Will RFL Work For Me?”
You’ll see many testimonials on this page from freelancers I’ve helped. They’ve gone from scraping by to dominating their markets.

And they’ve done this by:

  • Becoming a recognized authority in their niche
  • Finally demanding the fees their time and skills are worth.

(Plus, they’ve found a way to balance their work and social lives, so they can enjoy their work and not feel like a slave to it.)

The results come from the small, but deliberate actions they take every day.

It’s a progressive shift away from broken business strategies that keep most freelancers playing small… and replace them with skills that light you up, and keep your business growing for the long haul.

But of course, RFL is NOT right for everyone.

This course was developed for freelancers who need to solve issues like…

  • Finding high-quality clients – Who pay you what you’re worth, and know how to help you do your best work.
  • Pricing – Especially, if you’ve been underpricing your services (heck, or don’t even know how to price!)
  • ​Negotiating – Good deals are won or lost during negotiation. If you feel shaky or out of control, you’re sunk.
  • ​Being the “adult in the room” – What to say during a discovery call, so that your fee is a no-brainer for the client.
  • ​Standing out from the crowd – There are so many good writers out there, you’ll learn how to develop and promote your “Bat Signal Talent” so you stand out in a big way!
  • ​Expert positioning – You need to be unique, an authority, and an expert. Without all 3 power positions, you can’t charge the big bucks.
  • ​Client handling – When gigs go sideways, you need to know how to get them back on track… fast.
  • ​Steady income – Living “gig to gig” without any marketing plan beyond word of mouth and the occasional prayer, is no way to live.
  • ​High-quality leads – How to develop your own lead-flow funnel, something that works for your unique situation… and might include working through the Copy Chief Agency…, so you’ll never have to worry about leads again.
  • ​Authority – No more “waiting for permission” to become an authority in the market. You’ll be empowered to “own your expertise” and teach in a way that sells your services to the most qualified prospects.
  • ​Lifestyle. Stress, frustration, overwhelm… and worst of all, burnout – There’s no guarantee you come back from burnout. You need to protect yourself

Once you get these problems solved, and identify the kind of clients you should be working with and how to attract them… things fall into line nicely.

The work is inspired, the clients are thrilled, your reputation soars, the money’s great and good leads flow like water. It’s the closest thing to freelancing paradise there is.

However, getting to that place (especially when you don’t recognize that you have a say in who you work with) can be treacherous.

A lot of freelancers don’t survive the bushwhacking required to discover paradise. Mostly because they don’t know it exists.

If you don’t buy into yourself, then no one else will.

This is the real deal. A system that’s been proven, tested, and successfully launched profitable careers for thousands of freelancers.

To be clear, the RFL program is not me simply showing you how it’s done. You’ll be putting the lessons into action in real time, so that by the end of it you’re already implementing and seeing the results.

I have seen this program change lives and careers, but here’s the thing…

RFL is not only about marketing your business to attract better leads and prospects. It’s equally about how YOU think of yourself, your skills and positioning your freelance business for steady growth over the long run.

So, if you’re…

  • Tired of feeling stuck in your business
  • Tired of being underpaid
  • ​Tired of feeling overwhelmed with stress over your projects
  • ​Tired of wondering where the next client will come from
  • ​Tired of seeing other people with less experience leapfrog your career
  • ​Tired of wondering what to charge, and
  • ​Tired of saying yes to jobs that you know should clearly be a “no”…

RFL will give you the tools and the hands on training to raise your game, raise your prices and raise your authority.

Plus, it will put you into a network of other successful and supportive freelancers who’ve made the transition and are reaping the rewards.

If this feels like a good fit for you, claim your spot by clicking the link below.

Will you become my latest success story? I can’t think of a reason why not.

I look forward to seeing you there.


Kevin Rogers
The Chief

Real Free Life Coaching Program By Kevin Rogers, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • 3 Paths of A Successful Freelance Copywriting Career Live Training.mp4
  • April 29 Accelerator Call Replay.mp4
  • AWAI-Bootcamp-08-Kevin_Rogers.mp4
  • How Crisis Impacts the Freelancer’s Journey, Crisis-Proof Your Biz Training.mp4
  • How the Landscape is Changing for Freelancers, Crisis-Proof Your Biz Training.mp4
  • How To Become Known As The Go-To Expert In Your Industry, Crisis-Proof Your Biz Training.mp4
  • How To Crisis-Proof Your Freelance Business and Thrive During Uncertain Times.mp4
  • JLH _ RFL Case Study (4.22.20).mp4
  • Live Training 3 Paths of a Successful Freelance Copywriter (Jan 2019 Update).mp4
  • Personal Bat Signal Exercise.mp4
  • Real Free Life Infinity Hot Seat Call (61819).mp4
  • Real Free Life Manifesto.mp4
  • Real Free Life Manifesto.mp4
  • RFL 10 – Session 1.mp4
  • RFL 10 – Session 2.mp4
  • And more…