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Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten Storgaard – Instant Download!

Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten Storgaard

Let’s build passive income sites together!

Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten Storgaard


Get my step-by-step process to full-time income with passive income websites!

– Morten Storgaard








Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten Storgaard


What’s In The Course?

  • Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten StorgaardFinding lucrative niches
  • Find killer domain names that are available
  • All my topic research techniques
  • Learn to write content that ranks
  • Get links organically
  • Clean SEO tips that works
  • Fast and perfect site setup
  • Proven monetization strategies
  • Social media guidelines
  • …and much more!


The Passive Income course is a mix of text, tools, and easy-to-follow videos to help you along the way.

There are more than 18 hours (!) of over-the-shoulder videos where I show you all my tactics!

Also included is 7 hours of topic research spanning 8 different niches!


Latest Updates

  • Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten StorgaardMay 9, 2022: Advanced lessons added about topic research and SEO.
  • Mar 25, 2022: Updated “Build With Us”
  • Dec 2, 2021: Added two new content types
  • Nov 20, 2021: Added an “Advanced Tactics” Section to the course.
  • Aug 23, 2021: Traffic update added for the case site study (Build With Us)
  • June 1, 2021: Training video for external writers added





Everything in the course is constantly updated as I learn new things from testing Google and building more and bigger sites.

Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten Storgaard


Watch Me Build a Site From Scratch

Inside the course, I also build a new site completely from scratch. You can follow each step and see exactly how to put the course into action.

From niche research and finding a domain to topic research (finding underserved topics), article outlining, writing, monetization, and much more!

Not only will you have all the lessons with practical steps… You can lean back and watch me do it!

It’s more than 15 hours (!) of video!

This is probably the most important part of the course!


Modules & Lessons

Choosing a Good Niche 

  • Introduction
    Action step
  • Niches to stay away from
    Important things to take into account in order to find good lucrative niches. We dive into issues that may hold the site back in Google, premium ad networks, or affiliate networks. Lots’ of practical examples.
  • Brainstorming niches
    Over-the-shoulder videos of how to find niches no one has thought of as well as niches that do really well with ads and affiliate offers.
  • Checking the earning potential
    Figure out if the niche is big enough and whether it is targeting a good audience in terms of revenue potential.
  • Checking the competition
    Learn to access the competition and how to know if you should stay away or go for it.
  • Do the math
    Action step. Evaluation tool to help you make the final decision.
Topic Research 

  • Before We Dive In
    Important tools to know and mistakes to be aware of. I present the framework and the mindset behind the techniques and we dive into a tool that helps us find sub-niches within our niche with the best payouts for ads and affiliate.
  • Checking the Competition
    In-depth dive into finding and evaluating underserved topics. We also look at what content to write when and content length. Learn about when exactly you can beat other articles in Google.
  • Topic Research Techniques
    Practical strategies and tactics with lengthy tutorial videos for 3 different niches. This module is really extensive and features lots of practical tips and unique hacks to help you find endless streams of topics that you can actually rank for.
  • Additional Tips
    How to find topics with lots of traffic as well as topics to avoid. Unique tips and insights that can really transform how you do topic research.
  • Before You Move On
    Action step
Finding a Good Domain Name 

  • Before We Get Started
    Action step. Introduction to the mindset behind this module.
  • What is a Good Domain Name?
    Choosing a strong domain name you can grow with. I help you avoid several common mistakes I’ve seen people do again and again. Full of practical examples and a techniques to validate your ideas.
  • Great Online Tools
    100% Free tools and practical videos with lots of examples. There’s a unique excel sheet that will help you find really strong available domain names when used together with an online tool. I’ve used this technique to find most of my best domains.
  • Before You Register Your Domain
    Important things to check to avoid common mistakes that may otherwise prevent your site from ranking in Google or may get you in trouble with copyright issues etc.
Setting Up Your Website 

  • Introduction
    Background information needed for the module.
  • Platform and Hosting
    Practical tips and pitfalls to be aware of and how to choose a good plan for what we will build.
  • Setting Up the Site
    Easy to follow step-by-step guides to getting WordPress and Google Analytics set up correctly for our needs.
  • Google Search Console Settings
    Easy setup guide and important information about Search Console.
  • More WordPress Settings
    Information about theme selection and practical step-by-step guides to a proper setup. I log into one of my bigger sites and show you my settings, so you can copy-paste my settings
  • Double Lesson
    We design and compose important pages to help your site attract links organically. Practical steps that can make a huge difference in the performance of your site in the long run.
Writing Awesome Content 

  • Understanding Search Intent
    Introduction to my framework for content and why most people don’t get this right. In-depth guide with lots of examples and practical tips for creating content to keep readers engaged.
  • What Should I Put in The Article?
    Lengthy video tutorial on how to find subtopics and create great outlines every time. I show you my unique approach to getting more traffic. Everything you need to write great content that will beat the competition. I also go over common mistakes to avoid.
  • Writing Great Headlines
    Ways to get more clicks from Google. Full of examples and very practical tips.
  • Content Designed to Attract Links
    Four important types of content that will bring you links organically. I show exactly how to replicate my biggest successes across niches and share all my strategies for getting links with strategically designed content.
  • Content designed To Be Monetized with Ads
    Unique types of articles that work really well with display ads including a special technique to get lots of traffic from smaller topics. Full of examples.
  • Content Designed to Be Monetized with Affiliate
    New and fresh ways to find topics that are very easy to monetize with affiliate links. Examples of pitfalls to avoid and ways to boost earnings. (This will change how you find topic for affiliate links!)
SEO Tips 

  • Optimizing Articles for Google
    Guide to all you need to know to rank in Google today. A great checklist to make sure you get it all right every time.
  • Technical Stuff
    Practical steps to maximize your ranking potential in Google. I also show you how to get a fast-loading site without technical skills.
  • How My Sites Get Links
    Easy strategies to getting links organically that will actually get you better rankings in Google. You will learn how to do this for any site in any niche. I also show you how to get the most out of each link you get to your site.
  • Featured Snippets
    My strategy for grabbing google snippets with your content. We go over each snippet type and show you how to optimize your content for it. I also share unique tactics to check exactly what Google is after and how you can test until you get it just right.
  • Why I Don’t Use SEO Plugins
    Tactics I use that give me more traffic from Google without SEO plugins. I also go over exceptions for when you should use an SEO plugin on your site.
  • Let Google Know When You Hit Publish
    Steps to get your new site indexed in Google quicker.

  • Premium Ads
    Everything you need to understand about premium ads to make the most revenue. How to find the best topics for high ad earnings in any niche and common misconceptions. We also go over the factors that impacts ad earnings on your site and a hack to earn even more with ads.
  • Affiliate Marketing
    I teach you how to find the best products to promote.
    Good ways to get more people to click your affiliate links and how to find easy-to-rank topics that do well with affiliate marketing. I also share a strategy to make more from each sale.
  • Other Ways to Monetize
    How to come up with and create info products that people are actually looking to buy. I also share my learnings from doing consulting work for a decade. Thoughts on lead generation and email campaigns.
Social Media 

  • Introduction
    My mindset about social media.
    NOTE: It’s not necessary to create any social profiles or buzz in social media in order to follow my course. You can use my course without any social media presence. In fact, that’s how I do it for most of my sites as you will see in the course.
  • Facebook
    Important pitfalls to be aware of with Facebook and where you can use Facebook as a blogger.
  • Pinterest
    When to use Pinterest and when to stay away from it. I log in to my Pinterest account and show the numbers and how I use Pinterest. (There are also practical examples of how to use Pinterest elsewhere in the course.)
  • YouTube
    How I use YouTube for some sites and how to use it proactively to get more traffic. I also reveal a mistake I made that ruined several channels.
  • The Rest
    Four other social platforms, how I use them, and important pitfalls to avoid.

Outsourcing Content

  • Two Types of Writers
    A unique perspective to help you find the best writers for our purpose. Three unique tips that will save you a lot of money when outsourcing content.
  • How to Hire Writers
    How to get experienced writers for your niche. Tips to help you not get fooled by writers and my step-by-step process for onboarding. I also lay out the specific numbers you should expect.
  • How to Hire on [Specific Platform]
    Guide to get setup on the job board site and my template for job posts to get the best writers with experience in your niche, including a great hack to cut down the number of bad applicants to save you a lot of time and sweat.
  • How to Hire Editors
    How to find and hire editors to get the writers content and get it online. I also share my job post template and what I look for in an editor.
  • Working with Writers & Editors
    How I work with my writers and editors on a daily and weekly basis. The systems, tools and checklists of my editors. How I publish 100 articles per month from 5-10 hours of work per week.
  • Plagiarism Checkers
    We have tested all the plagiarism tools and found a cheap tool that most people don’t use (or know exist). It catches 95% of plagiarism. It’s actually the only tool we’ve found to be really effective.


Examples of my sites

Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten Storgaard 

One of our bigger sites is It gets more than 500,000 page views per month from Google + good Pinterest traffic.

It’s started out as a site about downsizing and minimalism and today it’s one of the biggest RV sites.

It just passed $33,000 per month from ads and affiliate. 

I started the site in Nov. 2018 and sold it Sept. 2020. I took it to 73,000 monthly pageviews from 107 articles (of which 15 had not aged yet).

It made around $1,000 /month and I sold for $30,000.

Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten Storgaard
Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten Storgaard 

This is a site I started in October 2018.

It currently gets 50,000 pageviews per month from 32 articles.


What others say

“Imagine joining Elon’s Tesla team 10 years ago. Passive Income Geek is to niche hunters what Tesla is to electric car revolution – with one difference.
Morten will be a massive success much sooner.”
“Morten’s material is amazing, well-presented, and easy to digest. I recommend it for both beginners and experienced publishers.”
Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten StorgaardDan Dadovic
Director of Business Development, Ezoic UK
Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten StorgaardRenaat Crommen
Web Publisher
“Following the methods described in this course is the closest thing to a surefire way to make money online! It emphasizes approaches that have been proven to work and will create a stable business for the long term.” “I can say without a doubt that Morten’s method WORK. I am seeing 200-300% traffic growth PER MONTH and I am not even following all his advice (because I am lazy). Even though I have been working with online marketing for 17 years, I am still learning new things from this course.”
Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten StorgaardZach Reed
Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten StorgaardMikael Rieck (founder)

I’m ready, let’s get started!

About me

Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten Storgaard


I’m Morten Storgaard, 39 years old and lucky to have a wonderful wife and a cool little toddler named Max.

In 2007, I started an e-commerce site and quickly hired people to take care of everything else than SEO and online marketing (which quickly became my passion).

After three years, I went full-time as an SEO consultant while I started to build my own portfolio of passive income sites.

Today I run a portfolio of sites together with an awesome team of writers and editors which has enabled me to travel to 20+ countries on 4 continents with Maria and Max.

Now it’s time to share what I’ve learned with you guys!

My main motivation for going after PASSIVE income is to be able to spend most days with Max and Maria.

Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten Storgaard


Passive Income Geek (2021) By Morten Storgaard


Some marketers have meant a great deal to me and helped me get where I am today. Tim Ferris is one of them. His book “4-Hour Work Week” initially helped me realise that passive income is possible.

Jim & Ricky from Income School also mean a lot to me. I like their clean SEO approach and it also inspired some of my thinking.

And finally, Pat Flynn was the first one I found who created passive income websites. I was addicted to his podcast!