
Original price was: $1,497.00.Current price is: $29.00.


Mike Warren – Deeds 4 Cash Course

Description of Deeds 4 Cash Course

I’d like to get Deeds4Cash Blueprint and discover how to collect 5-figure paychecks in weeks, not years, from real estate Deeds4Cash and foreclosures. And I won’t even have to make offers, own property, or find buyers

What will you learn in Deeds 4 Cash Course

  • Video 1: Documents Intro
  • Video 2: Cover Sheet
  • Video 3: Hardship Checklist
  • Video 4: Six Steps For Submission
  • Video 5: DIL Disclosures
  • Video 6: Affidavit
  • Video 7: DIL Master Agreement
  • Video 8: RE Transaction Disclosures

About Mike Warren

Mike Warren is a nationally known author, investor and instructor in the areas of collecting on real estate judgments and liens and making money with loan modifications and short sales. Mike holds a double MBA and is President of a diversified real estate consulting firm. TV and radio show hosts call Mike America’s Real Estate Assassin because of his laser focus and his ability to get deals done.

Mike started in the business of collecting judgments and liens over 22 years ago when he was presented with the opportunity to buy someone else’s judgment for $1,000. What resulted would forever change his financial future. He ultimately was able to collect on the judgment within a few months making an astounding $7,500 profit without the assistance of an attorney! Since then, he has bought and sold hundreds of properties that required little or none of his own money. Mike is a sought-after speaker who teaches people how to make $2,000 – $7,000 per month in additional income without spending any money and without ever leaving their house.

Salepage: Mike Warren – Deeds 4 Cash Course