Author: Sixty Skills
File size: 1.44 GB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours.
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Mental Wandering: Intelligence Gathering and the Real OBE By Sixty Skills – Instant Download!

Mental Wandering: Intelligence Gathering and the Real OBE
How to Leave Your Body and Travel the Universe

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • How to project their consciousness from their body
  • The difference between mental wandering and astral projection
  • The role of the body in mental wandering
  • Things you can do with mental wandering

None, a timer and a journal are helpful

Have you ever wanted to travel to foreign worlds, meet alien intelligences and see the planets as astrologers described them in works of old? Have you ever wanted to find the Akashic Records and take a peak inside? Maybe you just want to see what fantasy, and science fiction, writers grasp with their inner eye?

If the answer to any of these is yes, then learning how to engage in mental wandering is what you need to do. Sometimes referred to as an out of body experience (OBE), or astral travel, mental wandering is a skill that anyone can learn how to perform over time.

This course covers some common misunderstandings, technique errors and lifestyle choices that can greatly enhance your odds of success. Specifically, it also addresses why you would want to learn how to do this and points out some common pitfalls frequently seen along the way.

While learning how to separate your consciousness from your body is a classical technique in meditative practice, it is also of great practical value as well. And this course gets into reasons why you would want to learn to do this and some that might make you want to reconsider.

So, join SixtySkills today and learn how to engage in the fine art of mental wandering.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?

  • Anyone who wants to learn meditation
  • Anyone who wants to learn magic
  • Anyone who wants to learn magick
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to have an out of body experience
  • Anyone who wants to travel to other worlds

Contenu du cours

4 sections • 12 sessions • Durée totale: 1 h 6 min

Introduction 2 sessions • 3 min
  • Introduction

What is Mental Wandering?

  • Requirements

None, but a discussion of useful additions

  • 01:20


  • 01:18
Theory 5 sessions • 31 min
  • What is Mental Wandering

Mental Wandering versus Astral Projection


  • Body Types

Fire, Air, Water and Earth body types as well as the effect upon projection


  • Suspension Method Theory

The rope ladder, ball above head or suspension method of producing an out of body experience


  • Taxation and Mental Wandering

The draining nature of mental wandering


  • Diet

Diets that help, or hinder, out of body projection

  • 07:56



  • 05:36





  • 04:31




  • 05:45


  • 07:05
How to Practice 3 sessions • 25 min
  • Mental Energy Review

A quick review of mental energy generation


  • Suspension Method Exercise

The exercise for inducing an out of body experience


  • Things to Think About

Applications for and guidance on practicing

  • 06:48



  • 13:41



  • 04:53


Conclusion 2 sessions • 7 min
  • Things Not Covered Here
  • The End…

Giving thanks and a wrap up

  • 06:08
  • 01:01


Sixty Skills

Dedicated to Developing Self-Mastery for Your Lifetime

The Sixty Skills provide you with a complete framework of practice and theory that allow a practitioner of any spiritual development system to succeed. No matter what your belief structure is, the Sixty Skills provides you with universal tools and techniques that will enable your personal practice to flourish. We are devoted to helping you develop the core skills necessary to become the strongest version of yourself.