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Kevin Rogers – CopyChief Anniversary Full Suite 2022

The Most Proven & Predictable Path To A Thriving Career In Direct Response Copywriting Is Through This Door…

If you’re done toying around with…
Freelancing platforms where every gig is a “race to the bottom” in pricing and quality…
Facebook groups packed with clueless newbies (mis)guiding each other into the copywriting abyss…
Trendy hustle tactics that prey on novice business owners who wouldn’t know good copy if it poked them in the eye…

And instead, you want to walk the proven path to becoming a CONFIDENT, RESPECTED, PRO COPYWRITER, whose calendar stays booked solid with qualified, collaborative clients who respect both the craft and the copywriter… then, please, read on…

Copy Chief opened to 100 copywriters on labor day weekend 2014.

Since then we’ve served thousands of members…
Launched hundreds of copywriting careers…
And generated an estimated 10 million dollars in contracts between copywriters and companies who love and respect the power of direct response marketing.
A pretty epic run over, but there are still way more companies ready to hire good copywriters than there are good copywriters to fill the gigs.
So I’m on a mission to triple that number and provide 30 million in jobs for copywriters by the year 2030.
The jobs are waiting, now we need more solid copywriters to fill them.
So, what do you get as a member of copy chief?
It’s simple…
Just like my friend and mentor, John Carlton, says: It’s all about…

Getting Good, Getting Connected, and Getting Paid


We help you get good with world class copy training led by the top producing leaders in the industry…
People like Todd Brown, Parris Lampropoulos, Marcella Allison, John Carlton, Chris Orzechowski, David Deutsch, Dan Ferrari, Laura Belgray, Chris Haddas, and Harmon Brothers, all teaching things they don’t teach anywhere else…
These aren’t the typical copy trainings that do nothing but clog up your brain and your harddrive… these are hands on, 60-minute workshops designed to put the tactics you learn into immediate action for your copy


We get you connected by putting you in direct contact with the companies hiring the skills you learn in Copy Chief.
Our job board is the only one in the industry where companies pay to post their jobs. so you know they’re serious about hiring right now.
In the last month alone, we’ve posted over 50 high-level job opportunities for copywriters…
Every gig is vetted and filtered so you’re only dealing with clients who value and respect the work you do… and have the budget to pay you what you’re actually worth.
Even better, you can access our private recruiting clubs where the copy chiefs from companies like Banyan Hill and grant cardone will train you in advance on the skills they want to pay you to perform for them.
Try finding that in a free facebook group.
Companies like this don’t waste time on social media or freelancing websites. They come to Copy Chief to meet they’re next superstar copywriters.


We help you get paid what you’re worth by showing you how to specialize your services, position yourself as a trusted expert, and price your proposals for top dollar.
Because good companies paying good money to good people is good business – for everybody.
So, if you’re done with the brain-draining, soul-sucking slog of everything you’ve tried so far to go next-level pro as a copywriter…
And you’re ready to get seriously good, get super connected, and paid very well for what you love to do…then, welcome to copy chief!

Wanna see inside? Here’s a walkthrough of the forums…

Our members come here to raise their game and enter the ultimate arena to land contracts with the top marketing companies in the world.
Ask anyone around and you’ll quickly find that Copy Chief is THE place to be if you’re ready to stop playing around, and get serious about growing your business and your income as a copywriter.
I’ve been told by industry leaders that the cost of membership is ridiculously underpriced for the value we provide.
But I’m happy to be the best bargain out there if it means bringing people together who are serious about crafting breakthrough copy, and growing their business like a true pro.

Copy Chief is the sole recruiting hub for the best-of-the-best marketing and information companies in the world

Companies like Grant Cardone Enterprises, Banyan Hill Publishing (Agora), and Mirasee (to name a few)…

Where we’ve placed scores of talented copywriters of all skill and experience levels.
I can directly connect at least $5 million dollars in contracts between our writers and companies inside Copy Chief.
That number likely DOUBLES when you factor in the countless number of projects and partnerships that happen through organic connections in our private forums and at our live events.
Respectfully, if you can’t at least 5x your modest investment in Copy Chief membership, then you’re simply not using it like you should.
To make sure that doesn’t happen, we have an entire staff of community leaders (many of them high-level, working pro copywriters) ready and waiting to answer all your questions and guide you to the money.

So, if you’re in this to make a quick buck or learn a “secret hack” – Copy Chief might not be for you.

But if you’re serious about building a fulfilling and profitable career as a professional copywriter, confidently delivering great work, and building long-term relationships with top-tier clients, marketers, and business owners…
Then I’d like to invite you to join us inside what is widely known as the best community, training dashboard, and active job board in the industry for one of our lowest prices ever.

Since 2014, we’ve given our 3,000+ members the tools, trainings, and guidance to become expert, sought-after writers and creative marketers.

Now it’s your turn…

Copy Chief is widely-known as the best place to get actionable training, expert feedback, a caring support system, and reliable source of quality leads.

Join us inside by taking advantage of this limited time “Anniversary Special” and close out 2022 as your best year ever!

Here’s How Belonging To Copy Chief Can Change Everything In Your Copywriting Career…

Land Gigs On The Industry’s Best Copywriting Job Board

At Copy Chief we help freelancers build more than a ‘side hustle’ – we build careers.

There are lots of “overnight experts” out there slinging over-the-top promises of lucrative gigs that never appear…
One-size-fits all solutions to complex (and personal) career choices that only work for people just like the person teaching them…
Or high-pressure “say anything” front-end sales tactics that lure people into the program, then arrogant “fend for yourself” resources that do nothing to help you get ahead.
We do things differently here at Copy Chief…
We can directly count at least $5 million in contracts for copywriters hired through my personal coaching groups, but the actual number is far greater when you consider all the connections made “organically” inside the forums.
Working behind the scenes to facilitate so many lucrative deals between copywriters and publishers, agencies, and marketing companies, has taught us a lot about what both parties need to make it work.
That’s why the Copy Chief Job Board is the industry’s go to “search and hire” service for connecting business owners with creative marketing pros, including:
  • High-level marketers like Jeff Walker, Danny Iny, Ryan Levesque and Ramit Sethi
  • ​Info-publishers like Banyan Hill, Paleo Hacks, Stansberry Research, and Natural Health Sherpa
  • ​Marketing agencies like Dig.In, Pineapple, and Moxie
  • ​Small businesses and marketers across all industries that need ongoing help, and more!
Whether you’re just starting out, or you’re a seasoned expert with years of experience – you’ll find business owners who are serious about hiring across all levels of experience:
What’s even better – as an active Copy Chief member learning and interacting in the Community forum, our team and moderators will get to know you and gladly notify you of new gigs that are a good fit for your specific skill set.

Sharpen You Chops With Mind-Shifting Copy Training From Copywriting Leaders & Legends

Delivered to you in real time with clear and actionable video trainings – including “battle plan” templates and framework worksheets – so you can implement the most proven tactics immediately.

What’s unique about our trainings is that they are based on RESULTS. Meaning, you’re only seeing the stuff that works, based on the proven tests from our members.
Access all your trainings in your personal mobile-friendly Training Dashboard, including:

Core Copy Skills

Learn the fundamental skills needed to confidently create any and all pieces of persuasive copy including research, storytelling, and more!
  • Big Idea Copywriting w/ Todd Brown
  • The Promise-ability Matrix w/ David Deutsch
  • How To Find, Study, and Reverse-Engineer Winning Copy Controls w/ April Dykman
  • The Halbert Research Method w/ Bond Halbert
  • The Long-Form Sales Letter w/ Henry Bingaman
  • The Advanced Copy Creation Blueprint w/ Kevin Rogers
And more!

Freelancer Skills

As entrepreneurs, there are also fundamental business and marketing challenges we face. That’s why we’ve created a place specifically for the business side of freelancing. Access special “on the job” trainings and chat with professional freelancers to get help managing clients, projects, and business operations. You’ll learn how to launch, grow, and manage your freelance business like a pro.
  • Establishing C.R.E.D. & Raising your Fees w/ Laura Belgray
  • Heroic Project Management w/ Abbey Woodcock
  • 3 Paths For Successful Freelance Copywriting w/ Kevin
  • Make Sales Your Strength w/ Casey Stanton
  • The Freelancer’s Journey w/ Rachel Mazza
  • Landing Your Dream Gig w/ Kevin Rogers
And more!

Copywriting Money Skills

Copywriting “Money Skills” are the skills that directly increase sales for your own products, or make you more in-demand as a freelancer. For business owners, they’re critical components of your funnel that spark a revenue injection. For freelancers, they’re the most in-demand skills business owners need and ask for every day
  • Email Copywriting w/ Chris Orzechowski
  • Facebook Ad Copywriting w/ Mike Rinard
  • Advertorial Pre-sale page Copywriting w/ Rachel Mazza
And more!

Copywriting Crash Course

New to the world of direct response copywriting? This Copywriting Crash Course will help you build and practice your skills quickly so you can confidently deliver great copy that works. At the end of this course, you’ll have everything you need to confidently wear the badge of “professional copywriter” – plus a real portfolio with relevant samples that you can show to clients who are looking for copywriters with your new skills.
  • Copywriting 101 w/ Kevin Rogers
  • The Sales Letter Research Method w/ Mike Schauer
  • The 4×6 Copywriting Formula w/ Kevin Rogers
And more!

Guest Experts and Copywriting Legends

Top industry experts and marketing legends teach these exclusive workshops you won’t get anywhere else. You’ll learn from the best in the business like John Carlton, Todd Brown, Laura Belgray, Todd Herman, Dean Jackson, Parris Lampropoulos, David Deutsch, Marcella Allison, and many more
  • The Depths of Your Buyer’s Mind w/ Parris Lampropoulos
  • 21 Rules For High-Caliber Copywriting w/ Mike Ward
  • The Joy of “No” – Creating Boundaries w/ Laura Belgray
  • Behind The Control w/ Dan Ferrari
  • 21 Rules For High-Caliber Copywriting w/ Mike Ward
  • Deep Dive Sales Page w/ Ryan Levesque
  • How to Scale Your Business to 7 Figures w/ James Schramko
  • The 16-Word Sales Letter w/ Evaldo Albuquerque
  • Tapping Into your Greatest Superpower w/ Marcella Allison
  • How to easily open conversations and close deals without high-pressure sales tactics or hard-selling w/ Dean Jackson
  • Rhythm in Writing w/ John Carlton
  • Personal Branding That Can’t Be Ignored w/ Mike Michalowic