

Kevin Marder – Marder Videos Reports 2019-2022

My aim is to furnish investors, who might typically lack access to such advisory services, with actionable stock market ideas, both long and short. Investors without the necessary net worth or account size for various programs utilizing O’Neil methodologies often find themselves navigating the markets without guidance. Mechanical advice from less-experienced individuals may not suffice for those needing real-time direction amidst market challenges. This website grants investors access to the ongoing, real-time insights of a seasoned trader well-versed in all aspects of the O’Neil methodology, both long and short. Our goal is to enhance individual investors’ comprehension of O’Neil methodologies, thereby improving their application of these methods.

The specific tactics and methods I utilize represent a synthesis of the works of William O’Neil, Richard Wyckoff, and Jesse Livermore, collectively referred to as the OWL Method (O’Neil-Wyckoff-Livermore). My ongoing research builds upon the knowledge and experience gained while working closely with William O’Neil, adapting to the evolving market environment to pinpoint and codify tactics and techniques effective in any market condition. In essence, I strive to uncover “what really works” at any given market point and communicate this to members in a way that provides a tangible action plan.

Having served as Chief Market Strategist, Vice President, and internal Portfolio Manager for William O’Neil + Company, Inc., as well as co-authoring investment books, including one with William O’Neil himself, I’ve had wealthy individuals propose substantial sums for a single day of observing my real-time implementation of O’Neil methods. However, I prefer solitary trading, akin to Jesse Livermore. Through this website, I can offer individual investors similar access at a significantly lower cost than several thousand dollars a day or most other investment websites.

Subscribers to this service will receive The Gilmo Report twice weekly, where I share my thoughts and approach to the current market environment, along with the thematic basis for actionable stock ideas. My stock market strategy revolves around “The Big Stock Principle,” and subscribers will grasp how I incorporate this principle into my stock selection process. In addition to written reports, an add-on service provides regular short Video Reports and real-time Blog Posts, keeping members informed about actionable stock ideas between scheduled reports. Intraday idea lists are shared through the live blog, assisting you during the trading day.

What distinguishes The Gilmo Report from other investment websites is its dual approach, providing actionable short-sale ideas during bear markets, recognizing that the trend should always be your ally, whether bull or bear. Ultimately, successful investing is not about aligning with the bull or bear side, but rather being on the right side – a goal we strive to achieve with this service. We eagerly anticipate having you as a member. Best wishes for successful investing.