

Jamye Price – The 5-D Empowerment Serie | Instant Download !


The 5D Empowerment Series with Jamye Price Empowerment is a core foundation for fifth dimensional living, the Ascension of humanity. We are moving into Unity Consciousness, which requires empowered individuals interacting from Love and strength rather than fear and dominance. The 5D Empowerment Series utilizes Crystalline Soul Healing, Light Language and channeled wisdom to help you apply practical and profound change in your life. It contains over 6 hours of mp3 downloads with powerful healing frequencies and information to help you shift into your Loving empowerment. Life wants you to thrive. Yet you are the only one that can choose and change your life. As you open to your empowered Love, you are not only changing your life, but the world – through your courage to be the beautiful, amazing you!