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Daygame Charisma – The Game of Casual Dating

The Game of Casual Dating – Social Skills to Meet and Date Beautiful Women

Would you like to have the confidence to go talk to any girl you find attractive?

What about knowing how to quickly create genuine connections and build attraction?

Are you interested in becoming so high value and interesting that girls actually message you first?

The Game of Casual Dating is a guide that will teach you how to go from getting 0 girls to meeting, dating and sleeping with girls you find attractive by building a solid foundation of social skills. No rehearsed lines, no deceiving, no sketchy tricks.

With this book you’re getting the blueprint to create genuine attraction.

What You’ll Learn In The Game of Casual Dating?

Section 1: Foundation

  • The 1-10 hot scale and finding our aim
  • Peak years
  • What women are actually attracted to

Section 2: Becoming a High Value Man

  • How men are measured
  • Blueprint on how to become a high value man
  • How girls fit in a high value man’s schedule

Section 3: Start Approaching Girls

  • Inner Game (Finding your initial confidence)
  • Letting go of all liabilities
  • Daygame (Quick fix for overcoming the fear of talking to girls on the street, Openers, How to keep the conversation going, Going for the close, Set up the date)
  • Nightgame
  • Online dating (Myths and expectations, Setting up your profile correctly, Openers, Preventing flakes, Setting up the date

Section 4: First Dates

  • Handling flakes
  • Make intentions clear
  • “Plan B” to build sexual tension and make intentions clear
  • The best way to build rapport

Section 5: First Time Sex with a New Girl and Handling the Aftermath

  • The last mile
  • Fork in the road
  • The morning after
  • Managing a rotation

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