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Uncertainty And Confusion Are The Enemy. Traders Don’t Know What They Don’t Know.

Trading is hard. Knowing how to learn and deciding where to focus your time and attention is overwhelming.
Strategies that have led you to success in other aspects of your life fail in trading. A new approach is needed.

Yet The Available Solutions Aren’t Great.

Unless you’re an insider, you’ll always be on the outside. Hedge funds, prop firms, and family offices have resources that are never shared with the public.
It’s a noisy world. Anyone can put up a channel and claim to be a trading expert. Do you really think a 19-year-old “crypto bro” can help you achieve your dreams?
Existing videos and courses are either misleading or woefully incomplete. No one gives you the full picture.
There is no comprehensive approach to developing the skills needed to survive as a trader.

What if you knew that you were spending your time and energy doing the right thing? That you had a clear path and a breakdown of exactly what you needed to do at every step?

TradeCraft is a brand new training program. There is nothing like it—anywhere. TradeCraft is your guide to honing your full potential as a trader.

TradeCraft Rests On Four Strategic Pillars:

Life Lenses: Ask the right questions
Asking the right questions is the first step of finding solutions.

Skill Sequences: How to get better
Wouldn’t you love to know where to spend time to improve yourself?

Market Blueprints: Develop insightful pattern recognition
A master hunter studies and stalks his prey…

Inner Architect Sessions: The key you’ve been looking for
Change is hard. Most attempts to create lasting change fail…

All of these pillars lead to the construction of a fully professional and personalized two-part Trade Plan that can power you through a decades-long trading career.

Where Does This Program Come From?

I’m Adam H. Grimes, and I’ve been trading professionally since the mid 1990s. I’ve traded every asset class and timeframe. My work is both discretionary and systematic, which gives me the best of both worlds—discretionary wisdom structured by quantitative insight.

I’m Not Just A Trader. I Genuinely Love To Teach.

I’ve created industry-leading educational material on discretionary pattern recognition that has helped thousands of traders, with a special focus for institutional and floor traders who wanted to move to trading their own accounts. I offered most of that work as a gift to the trading community, available for free. I have also done extensive work training and mentoring traders on aspects of system development, risk management, and broader topics such as health, lifestyle, and life design.

I have worked as a hypnotherapist for 25 years. My study of NLP and Jungian psychology meld with my daily experience with financial markets, giving me a unique perspective on how traders think and why trading is so challenging.

I’ve Seen It All—The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

of how traders learn, how they succeed, and why they fail. Many of the traders I have worked with have tried everything before coming to me, from purchasing courses to working with trading psychologists to buying “guaranteed” systems. I’ve seen the limitations of other approaches, many of them advocated by famous names on Wall Street. I’ve heard, over and over again, what does not work.

Trading is hard, yes, and there are some mathematical reasons this is true. But the core insight here is that trading is hard for traders because they don’t understand that success is as much about the trader as it is about the market. It’s as much about our behaviors and beliefs as our methodology.

This Is Why I Created TradeCraft.

I knew I had access to knowledge and know-how, to real insight, that could change the game for developing and struggling traders.

What TradeCraft Does

Empowers you with new tools to understand the markets and yourself.
Changes how you think about trading, removing roadblocks to peak performance.
Guides you to a refined understanding of your own goals and beliefs. When trading becomes part of your overall quest for significance and meaning, magic happens.
Puts trader psychology in the right place and gives you new tools. The proper role of trading psychology is in support of a solid trading methodology with an edge. No other training program makes this reality as clear as TradeCraft.
Gives you a method for how to take a trading idea from conception to production (actual trading). This work culminates in a trading plan that is a unique expression of your approach to the markets.
Teaches you skills and techniques that will benefit your life outside of trading, in addition to advancing your trading.

Is This For Me?

Wherever you are in your trading journey, TradeCraft is for you. Of course there is no one-size-fits-all answer to becoming a trader—this is my foundational belief of all of this work.

But there are tools and resources here for the 15-year veteran, as well as for the developing trader who has yet to place her first trade. With a vast array of supporting materials, TradeCraft can accelerate your learning curve, no matter where you are in your development.

You come to TradeCraft with your own strengths and weaknesses, experiences, and knowledge. TradeCraft refines all of that into a cohesive whole, optimally aligned for success in the markets.

All of this requires time, work, and emotional energy. The path to mastery is not quick and easy—it’s challenging. Though it’s trite to say, if it were easy, everyone would do it. But you can do it. And TradeCraft is your path to enduring success.

What You’ll Master

Length: 11 chapters, over approximately 16 weeks
The first 5 chapters build a foundation. These chapters require a bit more work, so we plan for 2 weeks per chapter. For Chapters 6-11, most students find a week to be ideal.
You can take more (or less) time on each chapter, depending on what pace works for you. We recommend you find a balance between being thoughtful and thorough, but also not obsessing. “Perfection is the enemy of progress.” We suggest working through the program at a speed that is challenging but not overwhelming. You can always come back and repeat a drill or update your answers later.
Estimated time commitment: 10 hours per week

This is a general estimate based on feedback from past coursetakers. You can spend more or less time according to your needs/schedule. If you have less time to devote in a particular week, you can simply extend that chapter for another week. On the other hand, if you want to go faster, there is a limit! The work of TradeCraft is a growth process—you can’t shortcut growth, so plan to spend enough time on each chapter to assimilate the chapter’s learnings.

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