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BowtiedCocoon – Zero to $100k: Landing Any Tech Sales Role

Land your first $100k+ sales job or GET YOUR MONEY BACK!

Get dozens of detailed templates from prospecting to outreach to the interview process as well as unconventional strategies to truly stand out from the crowd.

80+ people already landed a 100k+ role by going through the BowTiedCocoon 3-Part Method. 

This Course Is Not For Everybody

This material is for those that plan to break into the Top Sales Organizations in the world (mostly tech) where entry-level can clear +100k in year one. The standards are MUCH higher but I will teach you how to breeze through the process.

Genesis: The Secret Sales Formula – Course Curriculum

  • PART I – The Garden Of Eden: Building A Lead List Of Hypergrowth Sales Organization
  • PART II – Tech Sales Resume Writing (CV + Cover Letter)
  • PART III – The 6-Step Chad Method To Nailing The Interview Like The Top 1% (And Get The Job 99% Of The Time)
  • Appendix

Meet BowTiedCocoon

Hey! I’m BowTiedCocoon.

I landed my first tech 100k sales job at 23 and have been in the sales land ever since.

I helped a few friends land a tech sales job after, then I started doing it online until one day someone offered to pay me.

From there, I started taking this seriously, and to my own surprise had a great success.

People don’t know what they don’t know and so laying the most cutting edge material for anyone to break into the Enterprise Sales is how BowTiedCocoon started.

Since then I’ve refined the process over and over again with battle-tested strategies.

I am confident that much of what you’ll learn in this course cannot be found elsewhere.

You’ll find dozens of pre-written templates, tools to use, and unconventional principles to remember, and I’ll walk you through every detail step by step.

Everything you need to save time, energy and go straight to the heart of what matters most. I don’t you want to neither “burn” your best prospects nor waste your time and with this you won’t!!

My commitment to you is simple: help you land your $100k sales job or money-back!!

Here’s to your success,

Zero to $100k: Landing Any Tech Sales Role By Bow Tied Cocoon, What Is It Included (Content Proof: Watch Here!)