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Bill Walsh – The Objection Box Family

Master Sales And Get to Consistent $10k+ Months As A Sales Pro

Learn my battle tested sales frameworks and 2-3X your sales in just weeks

The Objection Box Family: “The ONLY Step-by-Step Program That Will Help You 3x Your Sales In Just Weeks”

Even if you’re a seasoned sales professional or just starting out in sales

Any of this sounds familiar?

  • Are you tired of complex sales processes that take months to grasp and you still may never understand?
  • Are you NOT making as many sales as you can?
  • Do you want to learn a simple sales process that allows you to go from zero to $10k in just weeks and NOT months or years?
  • How stressed do you feel about all those sales you are losing – like honestly, no BS…
  • Tired of feeling afraid when you think about the future because you don’t have a predictable sales process that consistently delivers a predictable result? ​
  • Do you feel like there must be a better, simpler way to get good at sales?

If so, just know I’ve been there and I know how to change those results!

Bill Walsh - The Objection Box Family


I knew I had to get good quickly, because I had a 6 year old and a new baby on the way.. In the beginning, I struggled to consistently close deals like a lot of people… Which meant that I was not making enough money to take care of my family the way I wanted to… So I tried every single sales hack and idea out there, just to fall flat on my face… Because it seemed like all of them took ages to master and only worked some of the time. I remember the pain I felt, not knowing if I would be able to give my partner and kids what they deserved in life… And I kept struggling with making enough sales and money for a while…


A simple 4 step sales process that allowed me to go from $0 to $30k months in just a couple months

I went from using a complicated sales process, to a simple and effective sales process that focuses on what gets people to take action… 45 minutes sales call where history now… I welcomed 20 minutes call with PIFs! I found the right way to get people to commit with taking action and changing their lives… This process allowed me to become the leader any sales professional needs to be if you want to persuade people to buy from you!

AND…. This new process allowed me to… Get life changing results in weeks instead of months!

I was able to:

  • – Cut my calls time in half
  • – Lead a team of over 20 after starting in sales 3 months earlier
  • – Find my confidence
  • – Find my conviction
  • – Find my certainty
  • – And with all that ultimately make the kind of money I deserved to make

At first, I thought I was just lucky… But then people started noticing and asking me to show them how they could as well make more sales.

So I showed my methods to a couple of friends, who then 2x their sales in just weeks…

That helped me understand my method better, and it also allowed me to improve it…

And for the last year I’ve been coaching thousands of sales proffesionals, teaching them my sales methodology.

And the results have been amazing!!! To be precise, over 700 testimonials in just the last 6 months! All of them about people who are now making the kind of money they really deserve! Our goal now is to revolutionise the sales coaching industry! But I know not everyone can pay our coaching fees…

The Objection Box Family By Bill Walsh, What Is It Included (Content Proof: Watch Here!)