
Product Include:[(1CD – 16 MP3s)+(1 eBook -PDF)]
File size:223.93 MB

Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $35.00.


Victoria Gallagher – Circles of Energy – Chakra Balance Hypnosis

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Do you wish you had more balance in your life?

Imagine how your life would unfold for you if only you had all parts of your life working in synergistic harmony.

Chakra Balancing is the ultimate tool for your overall personal growth, health, and well-being.

In Hypnosis, you can do a Chakra Meditation for each of your seven Chakras, or Chakra Energy Centers within your body, and a final Chakra Balance session to bring them all into perfect alignment.

Certainly, as you balance the energy in each Chakra, you can balance your whole life and you can grow as a person and as a spiritual being.

There are eight easy to use Hypnosis sessions in this amazing Chakra Balancing collection. As you absorb each of the life-changing sessions, you can be healing each of your organs, glands, and emotions that are connected through each Energy Center.