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SmartQuant QuantBase 2.12.0 x32-x64 (Aug 2016)

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QuantBase Introduction

SmartQuant QuantBase is a stand alone server side .NET application that can be deployed on a local computer or remote server. The QuantBase can capture real time data feeds from different data providers to a high performance data engine.

OpenQuant and other client applications can connect to the QuantBase and upload historical data from the QuantBase to a local data warehouse.

In a typical scenario the QuantBase can be launched on a dedicated server, capturing quotes for a number of instruments and markets 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Analysts, strategy developers and traders can connect to the QuantBase and upload captured data for a specific subset of instruments into local OpenQuant data warehouse for further strategy backtesting, pattern recognition and analysis.

Note that QuantBase and OpenQuant applications can co-exist on the same computer, thus you can run data capture and strategy development in parallel and do not worry about the possibility of loosing captured data if your strategy code generates an exception in OpenQuant.