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Legendary Ads Vault By Claude C. Hopkins – Instant Download!

How To Reverse-Engineer The 1,621 Most Profitable Ads Of All-Time…
…To Assemble High-Converting Sales Copy
Of Your Own In Just 7 Days

“Yippee Ki-Yay, Motherfucker.”
It’s one of those feelings you never forget.
In fact, there’s nothing quite like it.
The day you experience it for the first time.

Your first “million-dollar payday”.
It happened to me on July 31st, 2017.
3 years, 6 months, and 17 days after I made my first online sale.
Proof on that and my copywriting journey later.
First, let’s talk numbers…

Top 7 Reasons To Finish Reading
This Short Letter

  • The ability to assemble high-converting sales copy… is the single greatest money-making skill you could ever hope to acquire.
  • Common wisdom equals common income… studying ad masterpieces from the past 120 years leads to uncommon wisdom (which leads to uncommon income).
  • The value of this world-class collection… is equal to Claude Hopkins’ impact on the advertising and copywriting world.
  • You’ll study proven copy and profitable ads… and discover the strategies behind the most successful Copy Legends of all-time.
  • You’ll own a lifetime resource… filled with creative inspiration and direction (without the frustration of not knowing what to write and how to write it).
  • You’ll read the highest-converting… headlines, hooks, appeals, pitches, and calls-to-action – and innovate upon them to increase conversion rates.
  • You’ll understand irresistible “big ideas”… and how to deploy them to increase the order-pulling power of your own offers.

Poor-Converting Copy Is A

Poor-converting copy is a confession that you’re following the wrong “school” of copywriting.
By finishing this letter…
…you’ll discover strategies used to slash the common confusion and frustration…
…suffered by most of today’s struggling copywriters and advertisers.
Adopt these proven methods as your own, for each piece of sales copy that you assemble…
…and you’ll be given a clear sense of direction and creative inspiration for starting, finishing, and launching…
…”winning” ads, sales letters, and emails to profitably grow your online business…
…in the same ways the greatest ink-slingers of all-time have done over the past 131+ years.

The #1 Reason Why
Most Copywriters Today Are Screwed

Everyone knows these things, but they’re worth repeating…
The Beatles… overrated.
Jimi Hendrix… wasn’t actually that talented on the guitar.
The Rolling Stones… not worth the price of admission.
And Freddie Mercury… don’t even get me started on that guy.
The artists topping the charts today… are FAR MORE superior singers, musicians, songwriters, and performers.
Don’t you agree?
Of course not.
We all know that OLD SCHOOL trumps NEW SCHOOL when it comes to music.
Hell, that applies to most forms of art.

The Critical Problem
For Copywriters In 2020

I see most copywriters today focusing on the “new”…
…while maintaining blissful ignorance of the “old”.
Scrolling and clicking around…
…trying to load their copy chamber with six different magic bullets…
…new strategies, new software, new “gurus”.
New. New. New.
I see it every day.
And THAT’S the #1 problem.

It’s Called A “Copywriting Mix” –
And It’s A Fatal Strategy

This is the sort of botched job that results from this shiny-object-syndrome.
I should know…
…my copy used to flop harder than a belly off a 50-foot high-dive for 7 long, painful years because of this approach…
…until I discovered the art of “profitable swiping”.
That’s because…
…the most successful, profitable, and high-converting advertising campaigns of all-time…
…were crafted by the original Copy Legends…
…and long before the online gooroos you see in your feeds today…
…started peddling such rampant and dangerous misinformation.

And that’s why you’re not 100% to blame for your copywriting struggles (up until now, at least).
Is the child to blame – the one who can’t ride a bike because he was taught to watch a circus clown riding a unicycle?
Is the marksman to blame – the one who can’t hit a target from 100 yards away because he was taught to use a 12-gauge shotgun?
Of course not.
Now, here’s an interesting question for you…

What’s The #1 Thing Every Successful
Copywriter Has In Common?

They all own (AND STUDY) significant collections of proven, profitable sales copy masterpieces… written by Advertising Hall-of-Famers!
It’s why “swipe files” are all the rage in our business these days.
In fact, every “Copy Legend” I’ve studied…
…pays tribute to the genius minds that came before them for this EXACT reason.
And every time I read one of their books and they mention a particular ad written by another copywriter…
…I immediately stop everything I’m doing, hunt it down, study it, and add it to my collection.

That’s why my ad collection includes 4,000+ of these beauties.
And just in case you think collecting ads off the Facebook “Ad Library” is your best bet for building an epic swipe file…

I’ll show you a dozen other swipe files every elite-level copywriter should study at the end of this letter.
Because when innovated upon in the right way, they can build empires.

Here’s The Biggest Misconception
About Swipe Files, Though…
The goal isn’t to copy or “ethically steal”. It’s to innovate.
You see, everyone wants to create something brand new…
…but you can be as successful (even more so) by imitating what’s already been successful in the past.
Here’s a controversial “copywriting truism for you…
There’s massive success to be had by innovating upon the work of others until you have great ideas of your own.
And unless you can assemble high-converting sales copy on your own…
…it’s in your best interest to copy ideas, then innovate them in your own unique ways.

As “Sir Gary of Halbert” Once Said…
(You’ll Want To Read This)

American Copy Legends, The “Prince of Print”

“The ability the write ads and/or letters that sell is by far the most wonderful money-making skill you could ever hope to acquire. If you master this skill you should never again have to worry about money.

The ability to write copy that brings in orders on a profitable basis is as rare as hen’s teeth. And, if you can do it, I mean really do it, you can virtually write your own ticket.”

He should know, he’s one of the most successful copywriters of all-time.
In fact, he flung his ink so well…
…he once wrote a 1-page, 361-word sales letter that generated…
…20,000+ checks PER DAY and mailed out 600,000,000+ copies…
…because it was so damn profitable for him.

Here’s Why You Should Give A Damn…

If you’re in need of world-class copywriting and advertising…
…you’re going to need to learn the skills, tools, and resources to do it YOURSELF.
The bad news is…
…the small handful of elite-level copywriters today who can do it… assemble true high-converting sales copy…
…are in such high demand that you can’t hire them without spending an absurd price (and a handsome piece of your profits)…
…and even then, you still need to wait in line.
The good news is…
You can learn to do it yourself (and faster than you think).
The most critical pieces are…
…finding the right “mentors” to learn from…
…the right strategies to use…
…and the right, proven, and profitable masterpieces to innovate upon.

Once you have all that…
…your new, repeatable process smashes straight through all the confusion, frustration, and painful learning curves…
…it takes all the mystery out of it!
While at the same time, there is something important to mention here…

How To Know If You’ll Prosper (And Profit)
From This Master Swipe File

  • You don’t understand my copywriting problem.”
  • “How do I know you’re qualified to make this offer?”
  • “I don’t believe you – this sounds too good to be true.”
  • “It sounds cool, but I don’t need this right now.”
  • “This product won’t work for me, my product, or my business.”
  • “Can I get my money back if I hate its guts?”
  • “I can’t afford it, anyway.”

All of these concerns are real and valid.
So much so, that I’ve made it a point to address each one of them for you in the letter below.

At the same time…
…if I’ve learned anything from my modest copywriting success over the past few years…
…it’s that readers will fight to the death to preserve their right to say, “No”…
…to not be “sold”.

Because so often…
…it feels as if we’re admitting defeat by investing in a product that we’re deeply interested in…
…one which we’re confident we can use to achieve the “primary promise” it offers…

And because of that…
…when we see an ad that catches our attention…
…a sales letter that shows us the benefits of a particular product or service that can move us from a state of “pain” to one of “pleasure”…
…and when our deep intuition tells us the value we’ll receive far outweighs the minimal investment for lifetime access to it…
…we still fight to the death to not be “sold”…

4 Simple Ways To Know If You’re A
“True Student Of Copywriting”

  • You want to discover new ways to assemble high-converting copy… MORE than you want to save the few bucks it’ll cost you to discover them.
  • You trust your intuition… MORE than your prideful “sales threat detector”… when it comes to knowing what will help to transform your copywriting abilities.
  • You consider your open-mindedness and ambition… for building a valuable “Copywriter’s Toolkit”… as an ASSET, rather than a liability.
  • You have the perspective that you’ve “SOLD YOURSELF” on the best opportunities you see… rather than “being sold”.

If either of those strikes a chord with you…
…I invite you to finish reading this short letter and join me on the “inside” with other readers who were recently in your same position who had this to share about their decision…

For Those Who Don’t Know Me…

My name is Matt Bockenstette.
I’m the founder of Copy Legends.
I’m also the lead researcher and publisher behind the “Legendary Ads Vault”.
It’s now the fastest-growing ad collection on the internet.
I started this project for copywriters, advertisers, and online business owners… those like you and me, who love to geek out over this kind of stuff.
Now, this may be a bit unconventional, but…
…I want to share some great feedback I got from a recent reader…

Are you ready for my “damning admission”?
Here’s the deal…
I’m not known as one of the “greatest copywriters alive”.
Hell, before today, I’d bet you’d never even heard my name before.
Is that accurate to say?
I haven’t published a best-selling book or created a fancy copywriting “script” software.
I haven’t launched a full-scale copywriting course… or spoken at any of the major conversion summits.

As far as the world of copywriting goes, I’m closer towards the lower end of the totem pole.
Is that what you were expecting to hear?

Here’s The Moral Of The Story…

I started Copy Legends earlier in 2020.
I felt frustrated with how much misinformation was being taught about copywriting.
Misinformation that’s confusing, complex, and incomplete.
Long story, short…
I spent 7 years trying to make my first online sales. No joke.
It was brutal. And painful. And also, unnecessary.
Tell me, does any of this sound familiar?
…I bought every “tripwire”…
…opted-in for every ebook…
…watched all the webinars…
…and even purchased some pricey “copywriting courses”.

None of it worked.
Because they were all different “new age” approaches.
It made me the poster boy for the infamous “shiny object syndrome” I mentioned earlier.
My desire to improve my copywriting abilities was always bigger than my lack of knowledge as to HOW to do it most effectively.

Because of those painful experiences…
I’ve been where you may be right now.
I’ve known that struggle.
I’ve felt that frustration.
I’ve been lost in that confusion.
It took me a long time to understand the power of my own words and all that they could accomplish.
Then, one day, a different kind of “switch” happened.

Praise To Master Obi-Claude Kenobi

I owe a large debt of gratitude to the teachings of Claude Hopkins…
…along with dozens of other Copy Legends I’ve studied over the years.
But Claude… man, he sparked something within me that helped to make sense of all that left me so confused.
Once I started studying his (and other Legend’s) ads, everything started to change.
That’s what makes this opportunity so unique.
The value of this product has ZERO to do with me, my authority, or my experience.
It has everything to do with your ability to learn from the greatest “Word Warriors” of all-time.

DISCLAIMER: Every single ad I’ve collected (4,000+ now), across my many collections… I’ve collected myself. I didn’t buy and repurpose any of these ads.
And, if it does help to boost my “authority”, I have tasted a modicum of success online because of what I learned from his ads…

So, Why Am I Telling You All This?
To illustrate a vital point for every single copywriter…
…that your ability to assemble high-converting copy…
…is your single greatest money-making asset.
For those businesses in my early years…
…I was in charge of “words” and “numbers”…
…while my business partner handled back-end operations.
It was during those years when I realized the power of my own words.
And my passion for copywriting, advertising, and studying the “Old School Wordsmiths”… has grown ever since.
Today, I put all my time and effort into Copy Legends.
And as a result, my first project has been a raving success.
It was born out of necessity – not out of need.

The Best Goddamn Ad Collection Of Its Kind
(And The Largest, Too)
It’s a swipe file collection like you’ve never seen before – guaranteed.
Inside, you’ll see first-hand what the highest-converting ads in the world look like.
You’ll also discover…
…how powerful swipe files can be for elite-level copywriters…
…who know how to use them to THEIR ADVANTAGE.
And not only that, but also…

Do You Judge A Play By The Price Of The Ticket –
Or By The Performance You See?”
This master collection required some serious time and energy to create.
100’s of hours of learning, researching, collecting, and organizing…
…while scanning through 100,000+ pages of vintage newspapers and magazines.
And all with one simple intention:
To create the single largest collection of the highest-converting ads of all-time.
You’re reading this letter right now because it succeeded.
And what you’re about to be given…
…is a copywriting and advertising resource like you’ve never seen before…

Legendary Ads Vault:
Claude C. Hopkins Collection

Now, Don’t Go Getting The Crazy Idea That…
…studying these ads, innovating upon them, and using Claude’s most profitable copywriting strategies is difficult…
…just because the most successful copywriters and advertisers of all-time used them…
The strategies are simple and become natural…
…yet become downright conversion powerhouses when studied and applied the right ways.
You’ll be able to use this rinse-and-repeat process, and you’ll also learn:

How to get inside the mind of your perfect customer’s mind… VITAL for positioning your offer right in the path of their pain and desired state of pleasure.

  • How to get inside the mind of your perfect customer’s mind… VITAL for positioning your offer right in the path of their pain and desired state of pleasure.
  • How to deploy “social proof”… in a way that builds instant credibility for your product, offer, and brand.
  • How to discover the primary “facts” about the product which you are trying to sell… which are most important to your customers.
  • How to use “personality” in your sales copy to connect with your customers on a deeper level… building familiarity, trust, and respect with your brand and offer.
  • How to use “specificity” (and cut “generalities”)… to improve the take rate of your front- and back-end offers.
  • How to write curiosity-based headlines that capture your customer’s attention… from their very first glance.
  • How to tap into the art of human psychology… and persuade your customer to take a sales-advancing action.
  • How to evolve your ad campaigns – from prospecting to retargeting… over the course of weeks, months, and years.
  • How to “sweeten” your offer by eliminating your customer’s potential risk… silencing their inner “sales threat detector”.

And The Best News Of All?
The 1,621 Claude Hopkins ads you’ll be given in the next few minutes…
…that’s just barely scratching the surface of what you’re about to receive.
Because after years of studying Claude Hopkins…
…and several months of intense “deep-dive” research into his life’s work…
…I’ve also come across a number of additional pieces of rare Claude Hopkins work that help to “connect-the-dots” to the wisdom of his most profitable ads.

Your Image
Scientific Advertising
by Claude Hopkins
The book that forever changed the face of modern advertising. The single book recommended by more “Copy Legends” than any other book over the past 97 years.

Your Image
My Life In Advertising
by Claude Hopkins
The second book which marks Claude Hopkins’ legacy and the blueprint to his advertising success… that takes you “behind the scenes” to reveal his strategies and word magic.

Your Image
“Legendary Headlines Vault”
Claude Hopkins Collection
This legendary headlines collection includes 7,606 total headlines written by Claude Hopkins. Discover his strategies for how he structures, formats, and positions each headline.

Your Image
Rare 1910 Speech Given by
Claude Hopkins
On May 25th, 1910, Hopkins gave a famous speech on a paper he wrote… for the Publicity section of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections.

Your Image
“Legendary P.S. Statements” Vault
A collection of 72 legendary P.S. Statements from many of the greatest Copy Legends of all-time… including David Ogilvy, Gary Halbert, Bruce Barton, & Jay Abraham.

Your Image
The Wall Street Journal’s Creative Leaders Series
“The Wall Street Journal is extremely proud of the Creative Leaders Series of ads, one of the most successful campaigns in its history.”

Legendary Ads Vault By Claude C. Hopkins

When I First Became A “True Student”
Of Claude Hopkins…
This was the only option available to scratch my “Swipe File Collector” itch.
As a direct result…
The idea of the “Legendary Ads Vault: Claude Hopkins Collection” was born.
Again, out of necessity.
And I want to share it with you.
To learn, grow, and evolve together.
To build our businesses together.
To reach out full earning potential together.

Let’s Reason Together –
About Price
I built this collection by standards of my own.
They’re uncommon standards.
I scanned through 100,000+ pages of vintage newspapers and magazines in order to find each unique ad…
…with the clearest image of each, the source, and the date… then organized them all in chronological order for you.
The single biggest sensation in this brand new project is the price at which I offer it to you.
The master collection itself – the first published within the “Legendary Ads Vault”…
…results from a deep desire to provide the highest degree of value a resource like this can provide.
If I’ve done that – which I’ve done – the price is both unique and sensational.
Thus, this collection gives you more value for your money than any other in existence.
I encourage (and welcome) you to decide that for yourself.

LESSON #1: Do Nothing
This is the easy one.
After all, what’s easier than doing nothing?
This lesson is easiest for copywriters who already have a thriving online business… fueled by high-converting sales copy.
>>> For those who are already world-class copywriters who have nothing more to learn on the topic.
>>> For those who have established authority in their market.
>>> For those who don’t need more cash flow, customers, or credibility.
Every time you do nothing (or don’t need to do something), there’s a valuable lesson to be learned.
If that’s you, I applaud your success.
If it’s not you yet, there’s a second lesson we all face.

LESSON #2: Do It All On Your Own
This is the hard one.
Sure, it may take you a little while, maybe even 7 years like me, but it’s not impossible.
If you spend a couple of hundred hours to build a collection of ads to learn from the original Copy Legends.
Every time you try to figure it all out on your own…
…there’s a valuable lesson to be learned. If that’s you, I commend you for your commitment to your craft, because I know what that level of work requires.
If that’s not you, either, there’s also a third opportunity for a valuable lesson.

LESSON #3: Partner Up With Somebody
This is the exciting one.
To work with someone who’s been where you are (and where you want to be)…
…and used the power of his own words to build 6- and 7-figure online businesses.
Someone who’s already put in the hard, painful work and is willing to share the fruits of that labor with you.
Out of those three lessons… which one gives you what you most desire?

Legendary Ads Vault By Claude C. Hopkins, What is it included (Content proofWatch here!)

  • Advertising Advertising Ads (218 Total)
  • Legendary Ads Vault Claude Hopkins Collection – Free Bonus 6 Pack
  • Alexander Hamilton Institute Ad Campaign (151 Total).pdf
  • Bruce Barton Ad Collection (36 Total).pdf
  • David Abbott Ad Collection (121 Total).pdf
  • David Ogilvy Ad Collection (58 Total).pdf
  • Eugene Schwartz – Philips Publishing Speech (1993).mp3
  • Eugene Schwartz Ad Collection (49 Total).pdf
  • Gary Halbert Ad Collection (37 Total).pdf
  • James Webb Young Ad Collection (30 Total).pdf
  • Joe Karbo Ad Collection (10 Ads).pdf
  • John Caples Ad Collection (28 Total).pdf
  • Joseph Sugarman Ad Collection (39 Total).pdf
  • LaSalle Extension University Ad Collection (130 Total).pdf
  • Legendary Sales Letters Vault.pdf
  • Maxwell Sackheim Ad Collection (38 Total).pdf
  • N.W. Ayer & Son Legacy Theme House Ads.pdf
  • Neil French Ad Collection (97 Total).pdf
  • Robert Collier Ad Collection (51 Total).pdf
  • Steinway & Sons Ad Collection (56 Total).pdf
  • Victor Schwab Ad Collection (7 Total).pdf
  • Volkswagen – Think Small Campaign.pdf