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LCT Bootcamp – $16K Closed In Just 6 Weeks

LCT Bootcamp – $16K Closed In Just 6 Weeks

Archive : LCT Bootcamp – $16K Closed In Just 6 Weeks

“Discover How Two Months Of Secret Meetings That Started Out Planning  Case Studies For You…Turned Into The Most Powerful Way For You To Land Brand New, High Paying Clients Every Single Month.”

Hey it’s Brian Willie with Local Client Takeover.

Now do me a favor and stop me if any of this sounds familiar.
You keep hearing about other digital marketers landing client after client and you are still sitting there either trying to land your first client or have only a handful of clients.
You got into digital marketing because it sounded fun, would provide you with the freedom to work when and where you wanted and most importantly…
…because you thought you’d make a ton of cash because it shouldn’t be that hard to land some clients…but now you feel a bit stuck.
Landing clients can be much harder than it seems, no question about it.
Maybe you’ve tried cold calling potential clients either to be hung up on, told “I’m not interested” or worse…called every name in the book.
Or maybe you hate cold calling and thought you’d try your hand at running PPC ads on Adwords or Facebook only to throw money out the window and be left shaking your head what you were doing wrong.
Perhaps you have even tried appointment setters or hired a commission-based sales person only to find that they aren’t really doing their job and just can’t seem to get real prospects interested in your services.
Maybe you even thought you’d try your luck at this “cold email outreach” thing but gave up when you either didn’t get any response or again more curse words.
Look, we know what it’s like and it’s not your fault.
We’ve all been there.
Struggling just to eek out a living in digital marketing.
It took us a long time and a lot of testing to see what works before we grew our 7 figure agencies.
But what I’m about to reveal could literally mean the difference between you landing several new, high paying clients a month OR shaking your head a year from now…
…wondering why in the world you got into local digital marketing in the first place.
Maybe you should go back to a “real job” you might be thinking.
Not so fast.

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CASESTUDIES: What We Are About To Reveal Could Literally Mean The Difference Between You Landing Several New High Paying Clients A Month Or Shaking Your Head A Year From Now Wondering Why You Got Into Local Marketing

So here’s the story.

For several months now, the guys at Local Client Takeover have been in secret meetings with Rob Pene.
Even as 3 seasoned, client-getting marketers, it was clear to Mark, Matt and myself that Rob had some serious game.
He was off landing high paying clients every month just by cold emailing them.
Yep cold outreach email.
What the heck? Send an email and get a client? Most people we knew had a some success with this approach but Rob built an agency using this approach.
So we started off by talking to Rob about maybe putting together some case studies for you of how he’s not only getting ridiculously high open rates, but then getting pre-qualified leads and clients every time he sends a new batch of emails.
Let’s take a look at just a few of Rob’s campaign results so I can show you what I’m talking about and why we were so impressed.
“Hold On. Did You See All Of The “Yes,” “Sure Call Me,” “Sounds Great” And “Yes I’m Interested” Responses? “

Impressive right?

You see, it’s not uncommon for Rob to send out a batch of emails to a completely cold list and end up with 25 new qualified leads and then turn 3 of those leads into new paying clients.
Ya we were stunned too.
Oh and Rob isn’t spending hours and hours on recording an individual video analysis for all of these cold prospects.
Nope. Not at all.
He only sends them a video once they meet his super strict lead qualifications.
Sounds simple right?
Turns out there’s a complete system Rob and his team follow.
Everything from where to find the email addresses, the right system to email them with to make sure they get delivered…
“Are You Ready To Hear What Will Reignite You And Start Landing You Clients Every Single Month?..”

A real system….not just a tactic but an entire start to finish system to get new, high paying clients…

…taught by someone who uses this exact system every day…by someone who built an entire agency around this.
The other thing you need?
Massive accountability.
What do I mean?
If you are like most people, you know and I know that you start down the path of going after clients one way…
…only to shift gears 3 days later when that doesn’t seem to be working and some other new product comes out promising that “this is the right way.”
Chances are you simply haven’t given it enough time to start working.
Chances are also that you just aren’t holding yourself accountable by doing exactly what it takes to get clients.
Think of it this way.
You join a gym and you maybe have some success at holding yourself accountable at first.
You show up. You kind of “get through” your routine…doing the bare minimum. Then bam!
You stop going.
Why? You weren’t accountable to yourself. You didn’t have the discipline to do what it takes to get the results you really were after.
It’s hired wired baby. It’s human nature.
Compare that with the person who pre-pays $1,200 to a personal trainer who’s waiting on you to show up…to not just “get through” that workout but fricking destroy it.
Now that’s real accountability. You are accountable to yourself because you are in fact now accountable to someone else who’s job it is to make sure you get in shape.
The same thing is true with any client getting system.
It’s next to impossible to be disciplined enough to hold yourself accountable daily-to take all the steps you need to take in a client getting system to actually get measurable results.
You need to have a system to follow and someone to hold you accountable so you discipline yourself enough to hold yourself accountable.
Once you get this in place, it’s like the skies open up and you wonder why you didn’t think of this before.
So remember I told you how we started off talking to Rob about doing some case studies like the one I showed you above?
Well those discussions turned into why well intentioned, hard working local marketers like you simply aren’t getting clients…
…and what we could do to help.
You see it’s frustrating for us to have this massive group of people all getting really good at SEO and digital marketing in general with so many people simply not landing any clients or enough clients.
We started to think what if we could give you:
  • A small, live group private coaching environment
  • One where you can look over Rob’s shoulder to see exactly what he does every day to land new clients just from sending out cold emails…literally just follow along and implement
  • 110% accountability-a group where you learn from Rob and then be required to check in with him several times a week to chart your progress…and make tweaks to your approach when you’ve gone off course.
  • A training where we can almost guarantee you’ll get new clients if you follow the system, and have Rob holding you accountable, because you’ll become an absolute disciplined machine.
  • A system enhanced by a weekly sales training from Mark Luckenbaugh. Mark is a master sales person. I’ve personally witnessed him close over $120k in new business in less than 10 days. Yes, you read that right.
  • A system enhanced by almost daily insights from Matt Stack on how to stay organized and laser focused until it becomes an absolute habit. If you don’t know Matt-he is the reason Mark and I get anything done! He’ll show you how to nail down systems just like he did for us so that you are always on track to exceed your wildest goals!
  • Group accountability. Everyone will see everyone else’s progress on a Trello board. If someone isn’t carrying their weight, Rob will set you straight.

In short, what we hand in mind was a Boot Camp.

You’ve seen videos of people in boot camp. Prospective military trainees, police academy trainees.
You get the picture.
What do they have in common?
A group of like minded people all working together to not “maybe get something accomplished.”
They are there to destroy it.
They are there to be held accountable and come out the other side ready to win at all costs.
That’s what we had in mind when as we talked more with Rob.
Your 100% success. Nothing less will be acceptable.

“I wrote $16,000 in new business just two weeks after finishing the boot camp and have proposals out now for an additional $35K.”

Before the boot camp and Rob’s training I would have never considered doing cold email outreach to get clients, but after 30 solid days of massive action I was able to connect with more leads and potential clients then I had in the previous six months. The insight Rob and the other attendees provided has become a useful tool for finding and winning new customers. I wrote $16,000 in new business just two weeks after finishing the boot camp and have proposals out now for an additional $35K. Dale Rowley

Do you think you have what it takes to dedicate 30 days to an intensive, boot camp style group training program.

This requires a certain kind of person.
This will not take hours of your time by any means, but the hours it does take you need to be incredibly focused, incredibly dedicated and most importantly…
…ready to take orders from your new accountability drill sargent Rob Pene.
You do want results right?Then you need to follow along, carefully do what Rob tells you to do, check in with him at scheduled times and be accountable to your fellow boot camp members.
This will not be easy by any means, but like the personal trainer we talked about earlier…you show up, you do the work, your held accountable and you get results.
Because much of this will be live and be extremely time intensive on Rob, Mark and the rest of the LCT crew, this is not some “info product” that we will be opening up to anyone who wants in.
No sorry.
At most, we will only allow 50 people into LCT Boot.
And no this is not a scarcity play but we currently have over 8,000 members in Local Client Takeover and a massive email list. We just did a webby relaunching LCT Boot and 800 people signed up!
So we expect these spots to be gone by the end of this week. Maybe much sooner.
And there are some requirements.
You MUST be prepared to learn, show up on time, and do the actual work.
Look if you thought people would just hand you clients in this business, then I’m the tooth fairy.
You have to do the work. But doing the work and being held accountable for doing that work reaps massive rewards.
We’ve shown you how Rob is able to nail down new clients every month using only this technique.
What People Are Saying About Rob’s System
“If they aren’t willing to invest something in their business, then no matter what we show them, they’ll never actually value it.”

Famous words from Russell Brunson, a top marketer online.

Just one of his businesses does $20 Million a year. A little business called Clickfunnels.
I sat down in a room for several days with Clickfunnels Co-Founder, Dylan Jones and you know what he told me why Clickfunnels is so successful?
Total discipline. 
Literally down to the time of day they have meetings, what the meetings will be about and how long they will last.
That’s the exact kind of structure you get when you join LCT boot today.
So you may be wondering what LCT Boot is going to cost.
Well like Russell said, we only want the ultra committed few people willing to invest in their business so that you value it.
So that you actually roll up your sleeves, dive in, do the work and win.
In short, we want you walking away 30 days from with new clients.
But you aren’t going to do that if this is some other cheap info product.
So let’s look again at everything you’ll get:
  • A small, live group private coaching environment
  • One where you can look over Rob’s shoulder to see exactly what he does every day to land new clients just from sending out cold emails…literally just follow along and implement
  • 110% accountability-a group where you learn from Rob and then be required to check in with him several times a week to chart your progress…and make tweaks to your approach when you’ve gone off course.
  • A training where we can almost guarantee you’ll get new clients if you follow the system, and have Rob holding you accountable, because you’ll become an absolute disciplined machine.
  • A system enhanced by a weekly sales training from Mark Luckenbaugh. Mark is a master sales person. I’ve personally witnessed him close over $120k in new business in less than 10 days. Yes, you read that right.
  • A system enhanced by almost daily insights from Matt Stack on how to stay organized and laser focused until it becomes an absolute habit. If you don’t know Matt-he is the reason Mark and I get anything done! He’ll show you how to nail down systems just like he did for us so that you are always on track to exceed your wildest goals!
  • Group accountability. Everyone will see everyone else’s progress on a Trello board. If someone isn’t carrying their weight, Rob will set you straight.
I Think We Forgot To Mention The $24,144.00 Worth Of Bonuses You’ll Get! Woops…

Bonus # 1- 60 Additional Days Of Boot INCLUDING 4 Private, One-On-One Sessions With Rob Pene. Value: $2,000.00After the 30 day intensive, you’ll get an additional 60 days of Boot and this will include 4 private sessions one-on-one with Rob Pene himself.If you need any help, adjustments in your campign, some better wording for your email scripts, Rob will dive in and help put you on track to doing big business.

Now Rob is in serious demand and rarely does private coaching and when he does he charges a miniumum of $500 an hour. So this has a real world value of $2,000.00.

We are going to hand you this as our bonuses for taking action today.

Bonus #2-Fresh Leads Handed To You For 60 Full Days. Value: $3,150.00Sure you’re going to learn exactly how to churn out massive amounts of leads for yourself during LCT Boot.But Rob wanted to make sure his students also get a steady stream of fresh leads to work. Rob and his team get the leads for you, and they are yours to close.

Rob is going to start charging for this service as a lead company, but you’ll get this as our bonues when you sign up for LCT Boot today. This has a real world value of $3150.00

Bonus #3 – How To Prospect For Super High Ticket Clients. Value: $15,000Worried that you might end up with a bunch of $200 a month clients? Rob is going to reveal a system he uses to nail down super high end clients, some worth as much as $100k a year in business to you.Rob hasn’t taught this but has agreed to include this for our group.

The only people who have learned these types of techniques have paid up to $15k to be part of an elite coaching group.

You are going to get them today when you enroll in LCT Boot as our bonuses to you.

Bonus #4 – Custom Linkedin Direct Messaging Sequence. Value: $2,997.00While you will learn how to blast out massive amounts of highly customized emails, Rob is also going to teach you how to ACTUALLY get clients all day long from Linkedin.Most people will tell you Linkedin direct messaging doesn’t work. NOT true!

It works and works very well, but only if you know exactly how to approach it.

Rob will show you how to do this the right way to land even more clients-and target high end niches for big paydays!

I only know of a few people who teach Linkedin methods like this and they charge thousands. Rob is going to hand this to you when you enroll today.

Bonus #5 – One Year Access To David Sprague’s Lead Finding Software With Unlimited Leads PLUS David’s Masterclass. Not Available To The Public Anywhere! Value: $997If you don’t know who David Sprague is, just look him up. He’s an absolute master local marketer. He is the resident badass of all things “local client acquisition.” PERIOD.His software products are used by thousands of people to land new local clients on auto pilot.

But here’s the deal. You literally can’t buy his stuff anywhere because he doesn’t market it. He only opens it to clients through direct sales, phone sales etc.

The LCT team recently had meetings with David and he agreed to give our LCT Boot members FREE access to this software that does the following:

1. Targets your exact market with research done for you in the panel.
2. Identifies your prospect’s pain points with hidden data found by the software.
3. Emails your prospective customers with customized, personal messages.
4. Keeps track of all of your campaigns
5. Allow you to find out who opens your emails

PLUS you’ll get access to his Masterclass showing you how to use this beast. This has a real world value of at least $997.00 and you can only get it as a member of LCT Boot.

What’s that worth?

Considering a lot of digital marketers have used Rob’s system to land a lot of new clients, we seriously thought about charging $5,000 or more for LCT Boot program.
Heck, I argued with the guys that we should charge a minimum of $2,997, because you have to have some skin in the game.
I pay my personal trainer $1,200 a month just so I’ll show up and get results.
But Mark said let’s give LCT and LPB members a nice price break. So while the public will be paying $2997 or more, you won’t.
With a catch.
This will be in exchange for a testimonial. We want to hear how well you’ve done once you complete the program and about how many leads and new clients you’ve landed.
So if that’s you-you’re ready to show up, you are super committed, you’ll do exactly what Rob says and implement this stuff (because it works) AND you agree to give us a testimonial…

We are going to give you LCT Boot at a $1500 discount today.Yep pay just $1497 for 30 full days of intense live training. You can even pay in 3 installments of just $597.00You’ll also get an additional 60 days to keep learning from Rob, plus all of incredible bonuses above!

There really is no other program like this out there.
You’ve seen all of Rob’s actual screen shots, you’ve seen the glowing reviews of people who have worked with him.
So what are you waiting for?
Click the Big Orange Add To Cart Button Below to be one of only a handful of people we can let in.
Remember this is 30 days of intensive, live training so we set a cap of 50 people max to keep it manageable and keep our sanity.
Click the Big Orange Add To Cart Button Below to get started today.
Brian Willie
Co-Founder, Local Client Takeover
P.S. If you are still thinking about it, you may not be ready, and that’s fine. But I’ll tell you what really gets to me. It’s hearing from people we’ve known, in our group…some for almost 2 years who have SEO nailed but are making a fraction of what they deserve because they simply have no system to get clients on a consistent basis.
P.P.S. This is not an info course and we have no plans of releasing it as one. For that reason we can let 50 people max through the door.
We have over 8,000 members in LCT and thousands and thousands of people on our emails lists. 800 people registered for the webby we just did about this relaunch. Several spots are gone and now that the replay has been released, it’s a matter of days before this is full.
This is not a scarcity play. Far from it. This will fill up quickly, possibly in a day or two. Don’t kick yourself and come back to this page to find out there are no spots left. We have no plans of doing this again, so if you are interested, get in now.
We’ll see you in camp.

“I wrote $16,000 in new business just two weeks after finishing the boot camp and have proposals out now for an additional $35K.”

Before the boot camp and Rob’s training I would have never considered doing cold email outreach to get clients, but after 30 solid days of massive action I was able to connect with more leads and potential clients then I had in the previous six months. The insight Rob and the other attendees provided has become a useful tool for finding and winning new customers. I wrote $16,000 in new business just two weeks after finishing the boot camp and have proposals out now for an additional $35K. Dale Rowley


Q: What is the schedule like?
A: While LCT Boot 2 starts October 17, 2016, there is no set schedule with the exception of the weekly live webinar, where you’ll not only get all of your questions answered, but Rob will conduct additional high end training. While we encourage you to show up live, these will be recorded.
Q: How many hours a week will I need to commit to this and what times?
A: The goal here is that Rob will be teaching you absolute efficiency. You will need to set aside time to go through Rob’s materials, implement them and check in to get feedback that will in turn help you become more efficient and get more clients. There are no set number of hours, but the people who will do the best will be dedicated to setting aside several hours a week to implement these fast client getting tactics. There are no set times. You implement when you want to implement. However, you will be required to document your progress on a Trello Board by a specific time and get your questions in for the weekly live webinar by specific time

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