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Ideation Bootcamp 2020 By Sam Parr – The Hustle – Instant Download!

Become a product idea machine!

There are wonderful and scalable product ideas everywhere. But spotting them can be a challenge.

Join our intensive bootcamp to learn how to spot startup ideas that have a high chance to be huge.

Transform how you see the world.

The Ideation Bootcamp is an online program that’ll teach you a systematic process for finding new startup ideas.

Building your own product from scratch? Employed at a company iterating on existing products?

Save years of time and heartache by learning processes to discover products that can scale successfully.

What is the Ideation Bootcamp?
Ideation Bootcamp 2020 By Sam Parr - The Hustle
Building a $100m/year product is like writing a hit song.

Imagine staring with a blank sheet of paper, figuring out how your soon-to-be written song will reach millions of people.

“Will people like this? Will this be a hit?!”

From non-musician’s perspective, it looks like an unpredictable art that only geniuses understand!

But there’s another side to it: most hit songs have a ton in common. Similar chords, song structure, recorded in a major key, and with the vocals out front.

Maybe there is some science to it after all…

Building a business that customers love is the same thing…

From an outsiders perspective, it’s a random process that hopefully results in a product that people want and also makes a profit.

But like hit songwriting, there’s a science behind the madness that most people never consider.

See, I’ve built companies that’ve sold hundreds of millions dollars worth of products. There was a lot of luck (and art) involved, that’s for sure.

But there was also a systematic process I went through to generate ideas, and deciding which were viable and which were not.

Here’s how to increase your chances of success.

There’s no guarantee that the product you create will work and become a huge success.

If someone says they can teach you that…run! They’re full of sh*t.

But there absolutely is a process that you can implement early on, during your ideation phase, that can significantly increase the chances of success.

I’ve created great companies. I’ve built companies that were massive failures!

And it started with a blank sheet of paper.

Now, I want to teach you the ideation framework that I, and many others, use to go from that blank sheet to a scalable, successful company, starting with the beginning.

I’m inviting you to participate in the Ideation Bootcamp, a program that teaches a framework for finding interesting ideas, deciding which ones can be big, and getting early traction.

Whether you’re an employee at an existing company or you’re starting from scratch on your own…I want to help save you years of building something that no one actually wants.

Let’s make it happen,

– Sam Parr
Founder of The Hustle

The Ideation Bootcamp

The Ideation Bootcamp is a virtual lecture series and private community for anyone who wants to build a product and company that can scale to a $100m a year in revenue.

Learn the framework that’ll save time, money and heartache.

You’ll learn how to discover big ideas. You’ll learn which ideas are viable. And more important, which are not!

Our goal? Increase your chances of building a hugely successful product before you even start.

Learn how to spot opportunity.

You’ll see the exact process I use for vetting different ideas. The same process I used before founding Udemy and other startups.

And you’ll get case studies of how successful startups went through the same process.

You’ll embark on a live, rapid and intense 2-week course.

You know what the best part of lectures are? The questions. Prepare for quality Q+A.

But don’t worry. Each lecture is recorded so you can view at your pace if you can’t make it.

The Ideation Bootcamp teaches frameworks for discovering winning business ideas.

Whether you work at a company and you want to iterate or launch new products within that company.

Or you’re starting a business from scratch…

Join us.

Meet Your Instructor

Ideation Bootcamp 2020 By Sam Parr - The Hustle

Sam Parr

Sam Parr is the founder of The Hustle, a information brand with millions in advertising and subscription revenue. He also co-founded Hustle Con, a series of conferences with tens of thousands of attendees. Additionally, he’s bought and sold a handful of small companies ranging from $100k to $10m.


Introduction to Ideation Frameworks
Introducing our idea process framework and helping you manage the most important part of the process: yourself and what’s in your head.
Mining Markets for Ideas
How to identify opportunities in markets, analyze the competitive landscape and decide which markets to tackle.
Creating Your “Wedge”
Nailing the specific angle you’ll use to tackle the market and evaluating that angle using our customer discovery methodology.
Minimum Viable Validation
Creating initial tests that save you time and money, so you can learn and iterate quickly and efficiently.
Your product won’t exist unless you can get customers. So, baking in distribution is essential. We’ll show how having a distribution method is as important as the product itself.

Bonus + Q&A
We’ll use this time to do a completely free-form Q&A and cover any topics that need refreshing from the first 5 lectures.

Ideation Bootcamp 2020 By Sam Parr – The Hustle, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Trends_Lecture1_060820 FINAL.pdf