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How to Write Your Own Money Making Website By Nick Usborne –  Instant Download!

Is a financially abundant life and a comfortable
worry-free retirement still possible for the middle class?
It is, but you must have the desire, motivation, and initiative
to take action immediately.

Web expert shows you how
to create your very own personal
“pension plan” in your spare time.

Since January 2008, spending just a few hours per week,
he’s brought in over $250,000 in “money while you sleep” income
(and not a dime has come from financial investments).

It’s like having your very own retirement fund —
only you don’t have to wait for retirement to tap into it.

Dear Reader,

Besides having millions of dollars in the bank …

… what’s better than a pension plan?

A pension is something that comes in every month like clockwork.

It takes care of your bills and living expenses while you do whatever you choose.

Having a solid pension plan in place makes for a comfortable, stress-free, happy life.

And while pensions are quickly becoming a thing of the past for the middle class, what you’re about to discover is how everyday, salt-of-the-earth people are turning a few hours a week into a lifetime of financial security, personal freedom, and peace of mind.

They’re achieving this by creating for themselves what amounts to their very own personal “pension plan.”

And what makes this “pension plan” so remarkable is it’s not dependent on the whims of politicians or corporations. As long as the Internet remains up and running, the money flows into your bank account consistently and uninterrupted.

It’s a way of creating wealth that is gaining momentum fast, thanks in part to these challenging economic times.

Now more than ever, people are realizing they have to take a more proactive role in shaping their financial future.

And here’s the most amazing part …

What they’re doing to achieve these results is not something they consider work, but more of a hobby. They’re having a blast. They’re doing something they love. Something they’d do even if they weren’t being paid for it.

Today, you’ll meet some of these people, and I’ll show you how you can join them.

My name is Rebecca Matter. I’m the President of American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI) and the Founder of Wealthy Web Writer.

If you’re not familiar with AWAI, we’re the world’s leading trainer of direct-response copywriters and graphic designers. Since 1997, we’ve been helping people acquire financial security, independence, and freedom through our comprehensive, easy-to-use programs.

We’ve helped thousands upon thousands of people free themselves from their rigid, 9-to-5 routines and live life on their own terms and schedule.

Before I give you all the details on how you too can create your very own “pension plan,” I’d like to introduce you to the man who could potentially play a huge role in helping you secure your financial future.

His name is Nick Usborne.

For the past 17 years, Nick has worked exclusively writing copy for the Web. He’s worked with companies like AOL, Microsoft, and Disney, to name a few. He’s won 15 performance-based awards for direct-response work both in Europe and North America.

He’s also a much sought-after speaker and trainer. He has spoken at dozens of online marketing conferences both in the U.S. and Europe. He has also conducted in-house web-copywriting training seminars for companies and organizations as diverse as Yahoo!, John Deere, Novartis Pharma, the Association of American Publishers, the National Cancer Institute, Merck & Co., Inc., the Public Radio Internet Station Alliance, and many others.

However, it’s what Nick has been up to in his spare time that I want to talk to you about today.

You see, he’s been turning a few hours each week into a consistent, steady second income for himself and his family.

The great thing about it is — anyone can do it. You don’t need a high familiarity with computers or the Internet. All you have to bring to the table is the desire and persistence to succeed.

Since January of 2008, he’s brought in over $250,000 from “Money-Making Websites.” His best month so far was $7,877.

Not a bad “pension plan,” huh?

Keep in mind, this is spare-time income. In exchange for an hour or two during the week and maybe a couple on the weekend, he’s bringing in more money than some people make working full-time!

Though Nick loves his day job, and his services continue to be in high demand, he’s always wanted a way to make money without having to “show up” for work … or bill for his hours.

In other words, he wanted to create what’s commonly called “passive” income. Passive income is income that flows in whether you’re working or sleeping … or just relaxing on a beach somewhere.

It’s the type of income that has a way of instantly reducing life’s stress level. Paying the monthly bills is no longer an anxiety-filled experience. Plus, you have increased peace of mind knowing you have a solid plan in place for retirement.

Besides being a source of passive income, Nick was looking for something that wouldn’t be influenced by downturns in the economy. And while he loves working with his clients, he wanted something that wouldn’t be dependent upon them.

And there was one other “must” that Nick was looking for — and it’s a biggie: It had to be fun. Because if you’re doing something you enjoy, you’ll spend more time at it. Not only that, you’ll do a better job.

Based on his knowledge of its income-generating potential, he set his sights on the Internet.

A Surefire Way to Create a “Passive” Secondary Income

“So far, this has been a great decision, I believe, and I am truly excited to begin building a website and seeing this project through. I turn 40 soon, and I’m hoping to be able to find the correct way to develop some freedom for myself, which means I can do more, of course, for myself and also friends and family.”

— Glenn Hyska
Southfield, MI

The Internet, of course, is ideal for creating passive income. After all, a website never sleeps. It has the potential to earn you money 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So Nick decided to try his hand at coming up with the best way to create a passive income online.

In a perfect world, it would be pretty simple, right? You’d put up a website, put a few ads and products for sale on it, and sit back and watch the money roll in …

Well, unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work like that …

To be successful on the Internet, you need to get people to visit your website. Lots of them. And to visit your site, they need to be able to find you among the thousands of sites out there.

It’s actually pretty simple to set up a website. People with no more computer savvy than knowing how to send an email do it every day. But it takes a different kind of know-how to create a website that attracts enough ready-to-buy, “eager for information” visitors who, in turn, will bring you a substantial income.

That’s just the kind of know-how Nick has. A few years ago, he figured out how to build a website from the ground up that would attract thousands and thousands of visitors each month. And then he worked out a system to turn those thousands of visitors into a continuous stream of income flowing into his bank account. Plus, he did it without having to sell a single product himself.

“AWAI’s program How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites by Nick Usborne has totally changed my family’s perspective on reaching a targeted niche market through the Internet. Nick’s generous sharing of his experience, creativity, and favorite tools had made the program worth its weight in gold, and the support Forum of members is both inspiring and invaluable.”

— Bonnie Fernandez
Rochelle, VA

When Nick first told me about the money he was making building these simple little websites, I was intrigued (to say the least). In my role as the Founder of Wealthy Web Writer, a big part of my job is to keep on top of the best online money-making opportunities so I can share them with our members. Nick’s website idea really fit the “spare-time, money-making opportunity criteria” people have told me they’re looking for. For example:

  • It’s something anyone can do — It doesn’t matter what you’ve done in the past, how old you are, or how far you went in school … you can do this. The only requirements are a computer and a bit of know-how (which Nick will supply you with).
  • You can go at your own pace — There’s no set schedule you have to follow. This is something you can do when it’s convenient for you … if you have an hour or two after the kids go to bed or a few hours on a rainy Sunday morning.
  • You’ll be doing something you love — This isn’t about “work.” It’s about following your passion. This is something you’ll actually look forward to doing, which means you’ll spend more time at it and be more successful faster.
  • It’s something you could transition into a full-time career — You can start off doing this in your spare time and, if you choose, transition over to doing it full-time. Which means you can say goodbye to the 9-to-5 rat race and bring in a solid income from the comfort of your home. It’s totally up to you.
  • It’s low-tech — You don’t have to be a computer geek to do this. It’s never been easier, even for a complete newbie, to quickly and easily get a website up and running. (More about this later.)

I asked Nick to start writing down all his best secrets. And the result is the program I want to tell you about today … How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites. Nick’s step-by-step system is a way to make money in your spare time doing something you love that can bring you a substantial income, no matter where you are or what else you’re doing.

Anyone Can Do This …

What’s more, to create a content-rich, Money-Making Website, you don’t have to be an experienced writer. If you can write a simple email to a friend, you can do this. All you have to do is write in a conversational, easygoing tone. Similar to the way you’d talk to a friend over coffee at the local donut shop. You don’t have to use big flowery words. In fact, the shorter the words you use, the better.

You don’t even have to be a good speller or great at grammar — your word processor will correct any mistakes.

The most important thing is that your passion for what you’re writing about has to come through.

It gets even better. Because with Nick’s system, you won’t have to pay a cent for advertising to bring visitors to your website. The people interested in your website topic will find your site when they search for information and it pops up on their search engine results page.

And I’m not talking about hundreds of people; I’m talking about thousands of people flowing to your website every month. Website visitors that you can turn into a steady monthly income. (Nick will show you how.)

Why This Could Have Such a
HUGE Impact on Your Income

Before I go into more detail about how you’re going to do this, I want to talk about what I consider to be the real power behind Nick’s four-step system.

You see, once you build your first site, you can simply duplicate what you just did for a different (or related) topic.

By doing so, you’ll have not just one new income stream coming into your bank account each month … you’ll have two, three, four (or more).

That’s what Nick has done … and you can do it too.

His main website is based on something he’s had an interest in for a long time: coffee. He absolutely loves coffee.

Hundreds of people who love coffee just as much as he does visit his website every day. He’s loaded it with the how-to articles, coffee drink recipes, gourmet coffee tips, product reviews, etc., that coffee enthusiasts want.

But he also has ads on his website — ads from people who sell coffee-related products on their websites. And any time someone clicks on one of those ads and then buys one of those products — he gets paid! (Keep in mind, you don’t have to sell or write these ads. You simply place them on your site! More on this in a moment … )

So essentially, the advice and information he provides is the bait — it brings them to his site and keeps them coming back. The ads are the hook. And people are happy to buy from those ads because Nick provides them with great information.

He has also started two other websites that bring him in income each month.

The Traditional Way is Not Working Anymore

Imagine what having even an extra couple thousand dollars each month will do for you …

Maybe you’d pay off some of those nagging bills … or take a trip to your favorite vacation spot. Or perhaps you’d buy a new car, a new computer, a big-screen TV — or just put it in the bank for a rainy day. Whatever it is, having extra money coming in can only add to your peace of mind and enjoyment of life. Here’s the thing. The traditional way of planning for the future doesn’t work that well anymore. There’s no guarantee the money you’re counting on will be there for you when you need it.

Building Money-Making Websites is the perfect way for you to take control of your finances and your life. Even if you want to keep your full-time job.

Nick views each one of his “pension plan” websites as a separate savings stream. One is for his retirement; one is for his kid’s college fund.

With only two of his websites, he’s solved two of his biggest concerns for the future.

And he’s done it by writing about a topic he’s passionate about.

Create a Valuable Asset For You and Your Family

“ … then, I discovered Nick’s program, which is amazingly helpful. I liked Nick’s writing style (which is to the point, educational, and not in the least bit patronizing) and I really appreciated the detail he provided as he described the whole process, from the very early stages right through to promoting the ‘finished’ site — while giving great examples and resources throughout.”

— Paul Parry
United Kingdom

But it gets even better.

A couple of years ago, someone approached Nick about buying his coffee website.

Even though he wasn’t really interested in selling it (after all, why would he sell the goose that’s laying golden eggs every month?), he was curious what price they were willing to pay.

Nick and the person emailed back and forth, and the price they mentioned was $125,000!

So, when you write a Money-Making Website, not only are you creating a monthly “pension plan” income for yourself — something that will continue pay off for you well into your retirement years …

… you’re also creating a very valuable asset for yourself (and your heirs).

It’s a great feeling.

It’s a feeling that everyone should experience, no matter what stage in life they’re at.

And it’s a feeling you, too, can experience.

Step 1: Life’s Key Success Ingredient

Passion really is the key to this.

German poet and dramatist Christian Friedrich Hebbel once said, “Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.”

When you combine your passion with smart online business practices, you become an unstoppable marketing force.

So, what are you passionate about?

It could be a hobby, or maybe it’s a skill you’ve picked up from working at a job.

The possibilities are pretty much unlimited. Maybe you enjoy fixing cars … baking bread … hiking … or knitting and sewing.

Perhaps you’re interested in herbal medicine … yoga … exercising. Do you love gardening? Brewing beer? Making home improvements? Restoring old photographs? Drawing and painting?

Anything you enjoy doing in your spare time is a potential candidate. It might be a subject you enjoy and have always wanted to learn more about.

Wherever your interest lies … whatever you have a passion for … if there’s a way to make money from it, Nick will show you how … and if it’s not a potentially profitable idea, Nick will show you how to find one that is.

More Money Than He Ever Made As an Executive

A number of years ago, Shaun Fawcett’s job with an international training company disappeared when their largest customer — the government — pulled its funding.

Unemployed and wondering what to do, he decided to strike out on his own. For a couple of years, he consulted and did some copywriting. It wasn’t long before he started to research how he could make a living online.

He soon determined the best way was to build a content-rich, theme-based website. The niche he chose was practical writing help for the average person. Specifically, helping people learn how to write college admission essays, resumes, recommendation letters, thank-you letters, etc.

The number of visitors his website now attracts is nothing short of astounding. During the week, on peak days, it’s been getting over 15,000 unique visitors. Even better is the money he’s making from it. He’s bringing in over six-figures a year, which Shaun says is more than he ever made when he worked as an executive.

$400 a Day Advising People on the Best Way
to Keep Their House Clean

In November 2005, tennis coach Tomaz Mencinger started a site about his passion, tennis. He loved that, with a website, he could share his ideas about tennis with thousands of people instead of just a few on the tennis court each day.

In July 2006, he started another site. It was about a subject that he knew little about at the time but soon became passionate about: vacuums. Now, he’s making an incredible $1,000 a day from his vacuum site! One of his site pages brings him in affiliate income on sales of 6 to 10 vacuums a day.

His tennis site, which he says he hasn’t fully monetized yet and is more of a forum to exchange ideas on tennis, brings him about $3,000 a month.

Tomaz says, “The freedom is unbelievable. I was working for tennis clubs and academies for maybe 10 years. Sometimes I had to go to work and work with people I didn’t like to work with. Now I choose who I want to work with, when I want to work, and how much I want to work.”

On a typical day, he might go to a movie, play a bit of tennis, and then come home and write an article.

“I work 3 to 4 hours per day. It’s not like I have to work. I don’t have to work 5 minutes if I don’t want to. I just work because I like to,” he says.

You Don’t Have to Be an Expert

Now, you may be thinking to yourself:

“Yes, I’m passionate about a particular topic, but I’m no expert.”

The good news is, you don’t have to be an expert.

All you have to know at the start is just a little more than the next guy. As you research and write the content for your website, it won’t take long for you to develop a high level of expertise.

And when that happens, not only will people assume you’re an expert because of your site, you’ll be able to back it up with the wisdom you’ve gained.

Should someone contact you about an issue or question related to your site theme that you’re unfamiliar with, view it as another great opportunity to learn something new — and another potential topic for a new site page.

It’s really a win-win situation. You get to expand your knowledge about something you love — while building up a solid, consistent, passive income stream.

Finding the Ideal Topic for Your Website

How do you pick the ideal topic for your website?

It can’t be too broad, or you’ll have trouble getting noticed. The idea is to pinpoint a “niche within your niche.” So instead of a website on, say, the general topic of “gardening,” yours could be on “vegetable gardening in cold northern climates.” There’s a lot less competition out there for information that specific.

But can you make money with such a narrow topic?

The answer is a resounding “Yes!” Nick walks you through the process of determining whether your “niche within your niche” has the right mix of demand and interest to create a solid monthly income.

This way, you’ll know right from the start that you’re on the right track. Too many people pursue business ideas that are destined to fail from the beginning. They end up frustrated after wasting months (and sometimes years).

Nick won’t let that happen to you.

Step 2: Write About Your Passion

Next, Nick shows you how to pack your website full of information, facts, reviews, and insights that establish your credentials with your visitors — making them instantly open to doing business with you. You’ll learn how to write relevant content that search engines (and your visitors) will love so they rank your site high on their search engine results page, making it easy for eager and interested searchers to find your site.

How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites has saved me untold hours of time and thousands of dollars. It’s helped me to greatly reduce the learning curve and cut right to the chase in implementing proven money-making strategies to my website.”

— Scott Elder
Orem, UT

For instance, Nick will show you how to write titles for your Web pages that will dramatically increase your site clicks … how to write page descriptions that entice people to your site … how to write a home page that will immediately make your visitors feel welcome.

If this sounds even the least bit “techie,” don’t worry — it’s simple and logical stuff that Nick will gently guide you through step-by-step, giving you a thorough understanding of what you’re doing and why.

He also gives you eight techniques on how to keep coming up with ideas for new content … and much more.

Keep in mind, you don’t have to write all the copy yourself. Nick shows you two ways to get your visitors to help you shape and write your site’s content. Plus, a way to use outside content that increases your website’s credibility, broadens its appeal, and has a dramatic effect on the number of visitors you attract.

Step 3: Turn Your Site Visitors
Into Continuous Nonstop Income

“We are creating an additional income stream (for travel and luxuries) that is portable and enjoyable — something we can do well into our senior years.”

— Ann Ronan
San Juan Capistrano, CA

Once you’ve created a content-rich website that has the potential to attract thousands of visitors, you’re ready to convert those visitors into $750 … $1,500 … $3,500 and up every month. There are many ways to do this …

One good way is to place Google AdSense ads on your site. These are the “Ads by Google” that appear on websites, blogs, and in some email programs. Every time someone visits your website and clicks on one of those ads, you make money!

Keep in mind, you don’t write these ads. They are supplied by Google. They’re written by the advertisers. All you have to do is put them on your website.

Nick shares the secrets and tips he’s picked up over the years … such as the best place on your website to put these ads to make the most money, the most effective size, and so on.

Turn Your Website Visitors Into Affiliate Profits

Nick also shows you how to make money through affiliate programs. An affiliate program is where you agree to promote someone else’s product on your website in exchange for a percentage of any sales that are made. When your visitor clicks on an affiliate link, he’s taken to another website where, if he makes a purchase, you get paid. There’s no product for you to worry about, no customer services issues to deal with — it’s pure profit. Nick’s affiliates are thrilled when he writes about their products on his coffee website because they know the people who come to that site love coffee and are eager buyers of coffee-related products. And, in fact, he averages almost $2,000 a month from sales made to his site visitors by just one affiliate partner. Best of all, he doesn’t have to sell, package, ship, or inventory a single product. He just gets a check in the mail!

You’ll learn how to choose the best affiliate programs … how to overcome weak copy on your affiliate’s sales page … how to position your affiliate links on your website, and much more.

Nick also shares one of the most important things I’ve ever learned about how to convert site visitors into profits. Do this consistently, and you’ll be ahead of 90% of the people out there who are attempting to make money from their websites.

“I Travel For a Living”
Birgit Bradtke always hated the idea of having a job. She hated the restrictions it placed on her. Having to report in at a specific time and place was not her thing. She didn’t want to live that way.

Birgit, originally from Germany, now lives in a remote and beautiful wilderness area in Australia called Kimberley. When people ask her what she does for work, she tells them that she “travels for a living.”

How did it become possible?

She wrote and published two Australian-travel-themed websites. In peak season, they bring her about $10,000 a month. (During the quietest time of the year, it drops down to about $7,000 a month.) Birgit has three other sites. Two are just hobby sites. The third one — about neem oil — brings in roughly 10% of her income.

Birgit says she has a few big projects in the pipeline, and within 12 to 24 months, expects her site income to grow to between $15,000 and $20,000 a month.

She’s free to do what she wants, when she wants, and where she wants. And she’s free six months of the year to do what she loves best: travel. She says she’d travel more, but she loves being home, working in her garden and developing her five acres of land in Kimberley.

Passion for Fitness Leads to Big Profits
After trying different things to keep in shape, Lisa Irby became somewhat of an expert when it came to exercising to keep your stomach flat.

Lisa decided to start a website to help people who were battling the same problem she once had. She was surprised by how quickly her site’s popularity grew, as she did little to promote it.

“It pretty much runs on auto-pilot. It gets about 6,500 visitors a day and brings in four-figures a month,” she says.

She makes her entire living online. In total, she has four websites that bring her an income of “well into six-figures.” She loves the freedom it gives her. And she loves that she can make a great income “without ever talking to customers or shipping products.”

Step 4: Nurture and Grow Your Site

“All the AWAI programs are life-changing. This program, How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites, is no exception. It is fun, informative, and practical, but not available in traditional schools anywhere else.”

— Carl Zhou
Mill Creek, WA

Once you get your website to a certain point, you won’t have to spend much time on it. (Nick spends only about two hours a week writing new content per site.)

The really nice thing about this is that if you don’t have time to add a few pages to your website one week, it’s no big deal. There’ve been times when Nick has been so busy that he’s had to go weeks, even months, without updating his content. The money comes in whether he updates it or not. The two hours a week is really just a target he shoots for.

By the end of Nick’s program, you’ll know exactly how to create a website that attracts a constant stream of targeted, ready-to-buy traffic. Plus, because you’ll be researching and writing about something you love, it will seem more like a hobby than work.

And best of all, you’ll be paid for your efforts. It’s a fun and easy way to build up a passive income for yourself and your family that comes in like clockwork, month after month.

From Feeling Run-down and
Tired to Being Full of Life

Sara Ding, who lives in Malaysia, was feeling run-down and tired all the time. She was only in her early 30s. Her doctors didn’t know what was wrong with her, so she went home and did some research on her own. She determined that she had a condition called Toxemia. Toxemia is a poisoning of the blood which results from the excessive accumulation of toxins that result from poor food choices.

Sara knew she had to change her lifestyle. After doing some research, she learned that “juicing” was the best way to get nutrients into her body fast and effectively. So she set out to learn as much as she could about juicing. In 2005, in her spare time, she started a website about various aspects and benefits of juicing. She soon became an expert on it.

She now makes over $2,000 (in U.S. dollars) per month in Google AdSense revenues alone. She also makes a few hundred to a few thousand MYR per month from affiliate links. (MYR is Malaysian currency ― 3.24 Malaysian dollars = 1 U.S. dollar.) Her site traffic and income have grown every month.

Sara no longer has to worry about her finances. She’s able to put aside a big chunk of money in her savings account every month … and every year, she goes on at least one nice vacation.

She recently quit her regular job where she worked as an office administrator for an international company to focus full-time on her website.

Turning a “Healthy” Passion
into Online Income

Nancy has always had a keen interest in water — specifically in ways to combat dehydration, as well as water pollution.

It was this interest that fuelled her passion and motivated her to start her “Water Benefits Health” site in January of 2010.

Her site currently brings her in anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 a month.

“It’s been a source of semi-passive income with minimal ongoing effort. That’s what I was looking for and that’s what I found with Nick’s program.” she says.

What motivated her to keep moving forward with her site was Nick himself.

“I really like Nick. He’s funny. He’s sincere. He’s honest. These are really big things. It’s nice to know you have somebody trustworthy to get you going in the right direction. He was doing what I wanted to do and I was grateful that I had found a mentor through this program that was affordable for me. I probably would not have a Money-Making Website without Nick’s help,” she says.

Nancy spends about four to five hours a week on her site, writing at least one new article a week for it.

Her goal is to consistently bring in between “$2,500 and $3,000 a month from her site.”

“That would make me very happy. I do make that on occasion, however not consistently yet,” she adds.

Plus she hopes to one day play a larger role in the world’s clean water challenges “through education, travel or wherever I can make a difference.”

Here is a brief summary of just some of what you’ll learn:

  • How to reduce competition by zeroing in on one or two niches within a topic.
  • How to establish that there is true demand for information about your topic to ensure your site’s profitability.
  • How to create a framework and structure for your site that will make people stay on your site longer (increasing your site’s chances of generating revenue from their visit).
  • How to write great content that will make your site easy to find in the search engines and your visitors will love.
  • How to keep the number of visitors to your site consistently trending upwards month after month.
  • Strategies that will create a consistent residual income stream flowing into your bank account.

“Excellent program. Nick (and the staff’s) thought process on how to build a producing website is very methodical and easy to follow.”

— Tim Leary
Miami Beach, FL

It’s a guide that you’ll want to keep close beside you every step of the way. You’ll be referring to it over and over as the traffic to your site increases and you start to monetize and make money from your site.

Here’s something else about How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites you’ll be happy to hear …

It’s what we call one of our “living programs.” This means that any time we upgrade or add to the program, the improvements we make are yours free of charge for life.

You’ll have access to every new money-making webinar that Nick hosts. For instance, recently, Nick held a bonus webinar called “More Secrets To Maximize Your Money-Making Website Visitors and Profits.”

In this session, Nick spilled the beans on new tips and techniques he’s recently discovered that will make your site even more profitable.

You Can Start This No Matter How Old or Young You Are

“A marathon, not a sprint”

Which brings me to Kathy Widenhouse from Lake Wylie, South Carolina …

One afternoon, she was sitting on her patio working on her laptop.

Her husband, an avid gardener, came over to her and said …

“I’ve got some yellow spots on my tomato leaves and I don’t know what they are. I looked it up on the Internet and couldn’t find out what’s causing them.”

It was that very second that a little bell went off in Kathy’s mind.

“Tomatoes,” she thought to herself, “Maybe this is the topic I’ve been searching for! This could be the breakthrough I’ve needed for my online business.”

She went online to determine how many people around the world regularly search for information about tomatoes and how to grow them.

It didn’t take her long to realize that while the demand was there, there wasn’t a whole lot of practical “how-to” information available.

She knew she was on to something.

And because both Kathy and her husband love gardening (he does the vegetables, she does the flowers), she knew writing about how to grow tomatoes was not only something she’d enjoy doing, but it was also a subject her husband could chip in on occasionally to help her out.

In April and May of 2010, she began writing a tomato-themed website. In mid-June, she published it online. In September, the number of people who visited her site more than doubled over August. In October, she had over 4,000 unique visitors to her site.

Pretty impressive for a website that was only four and a half months old!

By December 2012, she was averaging over 2,500 to 3,000 unique visitors a day or over 80,000 visitors per month.

Kathy loves the feedback she receives about her site. Positive comments have come in from Australia to Malaysia to San Francisco and everywhere in between.

Every month, Google AdSense makes a deposit into her bank account. She gets a check from a company because of product links she’s added to her site. Kathy and her husband use the money generated to pay daughter Britta’s living expenses while she’s going through a three-year doctorate program at the Medical University of South Carolina to become a physical therapist.

Plus, every week, Kathy gets approximately 30 new site visitors signing up for her e-newsletter. She now has over 3,000 subscribers in total.

She views her e-newsletter and its growing subscriber base as an excellent way to advertise tomato and gardening-related products and to drive more traffic to her site. And, of course, the more people who visit her site, the more potential site clicks her site will receive that put money in her pocket.

Kathy says, “It’s a total blast to do this. And it’s fun to have ownership of something that’s completely your own.”

She tries to work on her site at least one hour a day, but says, “It’s not like I have to do this; I want to do this.”

She’s very optimistic about the money-making potential of her site. “I expect it to escalate as I add more affiliate links and pages and my traffic continues to escalate.”

She adds that she considers her Money-Making Website “a marathon, not a sprint.”

“I’m not one of those people who expected instantly to be making $2,000 a month. My site is steadily growing, the number of visitors to it is escalating, and my income is growing. I’m very pleased. Plus, I’m having a great time,” she says.

Kathy recently launched two more Money-Making Websites. One provides writing tips for copywriters, nonprofit leaders, and do-it-yourselfers. Her other new site, The Cookie Elf, is a growing resource for cookie recipes and baking tips.

A New “Life’s Calling”

For Money-Making Website entrepreneur Karen Patry of Port Angeles, Washington, the attraction started when she was a teenager. While walking by the display window of the local pet store, she spotted three baby rabbits. They ended up changing her life. Those small bunnies led to her starting the Aurora Rex Rabbit Ranch.

And now, over 30 years later, thanks to her “Raising Rabbits” Money-Making Website, the whole world has the opportunity to benefit from her passion for rabbits.

Her site currently gets about 1,700 unique visitors a day.

Every month, she gets a healthy check from Google AdSense. She’s written and sells e-books from her site. E-books about building your own rabbit cages are averaging $2,500-$3,000 in sales yearly, with two more e-books soon to be published.

She also makes money from affiliate links, such as Additionally, she recommends a top-quality rabbit feed and earns commissions for every sale. She’s also considering offering rabbit jewelry for sale from her site.

Plus, she uses her site to advertise rabbits that she has for sale. But her main goal is not rabbit sales; it’s residual income, which Karen calls “free money.”

She says she’s on track to meet her financial goals and knows she’ll get there due to her love for her topic and her willingness to persevere.

“The minute I saw Nick’s program, I was all over it. I immediately knew this was for me. Nick showed me that it was possible. He showed me how I could make it work,” Karen says.

She believes her Money-Making Website is now a “life’s calling.” Her goal is to replace her income to ultimately support her husband and herself through their retirement.

Karen entered into a publishing contract with Storey Publications for a book based on questions she has received through her Raising-Rabbits website. Her book is “Rabbit Raisers Problem Solver” is now available on her website.

She’s also started on her second Money-Making Website. It’s a travel site based on the beautiful pacific northwest.

Multiple Income Streams on the Go

Della Flood, from Grand Falls Windsor, Newfoundland, works full-time for a software company doing graphic design and desktop publishing. She also works part-time as a freelance graphic designer.

“Nick shows you step-by-step how to build your website and monetize it. It’s all right there. Sure, you could do it without Nick’s help, but why recreate the wheel?”

– Cherryl Wistos
Penn Valley, California

However, her goal is to wake up every morning and work on what she wants to write or design. And that’s why she’s so excited about the Money-Making Website opportunity.

A couple of years ago, when she first read about the opportunity, she said, “Something just clicked right away.” She knew it could be just what she was looking for to boost the flexibility and creativity in her life.

Della had this to say about discovering Nick’s How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites program …

“It was a life-changing experience for me. I knew people would think, ‘yeah sure,’ but it truly was. Because it took what was sort of a fuzzy idea in my head and led me step-by-step through the reality of actually doing it.”

So, how close is she to her goal of actually being able to write and design what she wants every day?

Based on the pace she’s going, Della estimates that within the next 12-18 months (or three and a half years, in total), she’ll be making enough income from her Money-Making Website to give up her full-time job and dedicate more of her time to her website and her graphic design.

The topic of Della’s site? Tea. Della has a passion for it. She looks forward to the time she can spend researching new ideas for her website, The Tea Talk.

Della is enjoying the process so much she has plans to write another site focused around a health and wellness-related topic. Now, she’s even getting requests to create similar sites for others. In fact, recently a non-profit group asked if she’d be willing to create a site for them.

Della says none of this would have been possible without Nick’s guidance.

“He’s such a good presenter and instructor, and he’s so generous with his knowledge. To me he’s the perfect person to be teaching a program like this. I would recommend it to absolutely anyone. It’s been such a good, helpful, informative experience,” she says.

Take Action and Opportunity Will Follow …

When Kerrin Kuntzman of Garland, Texas started to create her “Chiropractor Marketing Guide” website, she never would have guessed that it would spur a whole new side business for her.

But it did.

People saw her site and were so impressed, they contacted her about building a site for them.

Depending upon how much content she needs to write, she now spends between 3 and 12 hours per week creating websites for people. It’s a side business that currently brings her in an extra $1,500 to $2,000 a month.

What’s more, she doesn’t have to make any sales call selling her services, all her business has come from her site or from word-of-mouth.

She still holds down her full-time job working in a chiropractor’s office.

The only issue for her is time.

She needs more of it.

Because right now she only spends three to four hours a month maintaining her chiropractor website.

But even so, she still makes a consistent income from it.

“The money I make from it doesn’t give me bragging rights (she brings in $300 to $500 per month), but here’s the thing … the orders keep rolling in for the two products I wrote that I sell on the site. The amazing part is they only took me a few hours to create and I’ve made thousands of dollars from them.”

Kerrin says she’s currently ranking high on page one out of 4+ million search results for one of her main keywords on Google.

“I’m right there beside some of the biggest chiropractor sites on Google,” she says.

She has five new products in the works that she hopes to have ready for sale from her site next year.

Her advice to someone who aspires to build a content-based website?

Follow Nick’s step-by-step template, she says. “Nick’s system is a proven success model. If you follow it and stick with it, you will be successful.”

Kerrin recently launched a second Money-Making Website in the natural health niche.

And, she says the Money-Making Website model is such a “wonderful means to make a ‘stay-at-home’ income” that she’s currently planning a new site based on another one of her passions, quilting.

What has her site and the extra money done for her?

“It’s helped me do all kinds of home improvements in the short-term and it still continues to be my plan for retirement,” she says.

An Easy and Effective Way to Attract Clients to Your Business

Susanna Perkins, an American currently living in Panama and a fan of the WordPress Content Management System software, noticed a niche that wasn’t being adequately serviced.

“There are many WordPress tutorial sites, but almost all of them focus on the more technical user. I decided to build a WordPress tutorial site for non-technical people,” she says.

Susanna did a full-scale launch of her WordPress Building Blocks site last year.

And in just a few short months, she was already up to a 1,000 unique visitors a month.

Even better, she’s acquired over 15 clients who have commissioned her to build a WordPress website for them. She’s also getting clients through referrals.

Plus she’s steadily building up a subscription list for her e-newsletter and generating revenue from affiliate links.

Her advice to someone interested in starting a Money-Making Website?

“Pick the right niche. Make sure it’s a subject that will keep your interest and it won’t feel like work. Your niche should be located at the magic intersection where enough people are looking for what you offer but are underserved. “

Susanna’s husband is also considering starting a Money-Making website. An avid bicyclist, he’s expressed interest in putting together a video-based site that would identify and review his favorite bike routes throughout Panama.

“Anyone can do this. Just find something you’re passionate about and get busy. Nick lays out the steps to take to be successful,” Susanna says.

Something Every Generation Can Do

Janet Grosshandler from Wall Township, New Jersey, sent in the following note to AWAI. She wrote …

“It is a very well planned out, step-by-step process that made sense after I got into the hands-on aspect. As one who came from no technical background whatsoever, Nick’s program definitely gave me the confidence to do it. There’s still a far way to go, but when I hit that ‘Publish’ button and my very own health website showed up online, WOW! Plus, my kids were very impressed that old Mom could make websites. So, thanks for all the continued help and inspiration.”

Both Nick and I love reading comments like this.

I can just imagine how shocked and amazed Janet’s children were that “old Mom” was operating in an arena who some think can only be mastered by members of the “younger” generation.

Start Writing Your Success Story Today

Here are some other comments we’ve received from people who signed on to this remarkable ground-swell movement:

From Nick Gillick of Farmersville, Texas, who started a site about emergency preparedness:

“Money-Making Websites makes the confusing world of online content simple and easy. It doesn’t take a techie or computer nerd to be successful with this program. I’ve built multiple sites now and am enjoying the writer’s life!”

From Suzanne Elliott of Santa Cruz, California, who started a site on Plein Air/Landscape Painting/Art:

“Without this program, I would never have thought about doing this website, let alone having it be as extensive as it is turning out to be. It has pushed me to learn so many new things and meet new people in the process. If you have an unexplored passion you would love to explore, this is the way to do it. An enthusiastic Thumbs Up!”

From Noel Gama, who started sites on business writing and discovering Daman:

“I’ve never felt as financially secure as this before.”

From Mike Forstner of Ridgway, Colorado, who started a site providing help and advice on how to camp:

“The Money-Making Websites program took my understanding of writing copy for the Web and social media to a whole new level. It is ever-changing, growing, and evolving like our own lives. A couple of pages of the site are now on the #1 & #2 spots on the Google search results and traffic to the site is constantly increasing. Now I’m working on monetizing the site. Overall, a very positive experience!”

From Cherryl Wistos of Penn Valley, California, who started a site about the places to go, sights to see, and fun things to do in Northern California:

“Nick Usborne’s Money-Making Websites program is GENIUS! Step-by-step, Nickwalks you through a way to generatepassive income. Income you’re NOTtrading your time for. Why wouldn’teveryone want that? I know I do … so thanks, Nick. You’re the BEST!”

As you can imagine, it’s been very heart-warming to read letters from people like Noel, Suzanne, and Beth describing the positive impact their content-rich, Money-Making Website has had on their lives.

One day soon, I’d love to hear from you about your experience.

These webinars will take place over a period of seven weeks. Weeks one through five take you through the main steps of putting together a Money-Making Website.

Here is a brief overview of the first five weeks and what you’ll learn:

  • Week One: How to choose the best topic for your site
  • Week Two: How to choose the best software platform and the ideal domain name
  • Week Three: How to create content that both your readers and the search engines will love
  • Week Four: How to attract a steady stream of visitors to your site
  • Week Five: How to make money from your site

In Weeks Six and Seven, we bring to you an added dimension to the money-making process:

  • Week Six: Review and Q&A — First, Nick gives you a quick review of everything you’ve learned over the past five weeks. Afterwards, he answers any and all questions that you have for him.

Some of the questions Nick has been asked and has answered are:

“What’s the best way to handle the business side of your business?”

“Should you put an affiliate link to a product that you gave a bad review to (and should you even post the review)?”

“If you start a second Money-Making Website related in theme, is it okay to use some of the same page content on it as your first site?”

Even if you don’t have a question you personally need answered, you’ll want to listen in as somebody is bound to ask a question you may not have thought of yet.

  • Week Seven: Listen and learn as Nick offers up ways to make your site more effective and compelling — Although he finds all these sessions enjoyable, Nick takes particular delight in Week Seven.

For starters, he gets to see the progress you’ve made. Now, while it’s optional as to whether you submit your site for review, my advice is not to be shy!

Nick will call your site up on the screen, and if there are ways he feels your site can be improved, he’ll let you know (constructive feedback only, of course!).

This is a great learning device because when he’s talking about ways to improve someone else’s site, often you’ll find it’s a tip or technique you can apply to your own site.

The reaction we’ve received on past webinar series has been phenomenal. Here are just some of the comments we’ve received from Money-Making Website entrepreneurs …

From Harry Kroyer of Magdalena, New Mexico, who started a website about baking bread:

“Nick’s webinars have been extremely useful. I’m astounded with the quality of the support and the many ‘extras’ without additional charge.”

“I have wanted to have my own website for years now, just never 1) had the time, 2) had the knowledge, or 3) had the roadmap. Nick’s program has helped me with all of these.”

— Brenda Barker,
Cabot, AR

From Rosa Chillis, Sun City West, Arizona, who started a website about self-improvement and professional development:

” … I want to thank Nick for the live free follow-up seminars. He is so generous with his time and in sharing his expertise. I have spent a great deal of money over the past three years trying to learn how to make money on the Web. Nick’s program is by far the most comprehensive (and comprehensible) I’ve used to date, and the cost is reasonable.”

From Elizabeth Chavous of Jackson, Michigan, who started a website about the world of Loose Leaf Tea:

“If it wasn’t for Nick and his wonderful program, I could not have gotten this far or even started my website. What has been even more helpful is the webinars. Thanks, Nick, for writing this program and giving many of us tools to write a Money-Making Website.”

From Lucy Culpepper of Encinitas, California, who started a website about meditation:

“I have really ‘clicked’ with this program; both the way it’s written and the delivery of the live webinars. The program work is clear, not too overwhelming, yet full of good solid information that I will keep referring to … This is also the first program that I have created time to listen to the entire live webinar — I didn’t want to miss any golden nuggets from Nick Usborne!”

If you can’t listen to the webinars live, they’re made available for playback on AWAI’s website. So you’re able to listen to them when it’s convenient for you, and as many times as you want.

As mentioned, everyone who participates in these webinars tells me how inspiring, helpful, and motivating they are. I’m confident you will feel that way too.

There’s No Better Time to Get Started Than Right Now

Someone once said, “The best time to launch your new website is five years ago. The second best time is now.”

How true that is.

There’s no better time than right now to take advantage of the incredible power and potential of the Internet.

Every day, thousands and thousands of people who share the same passion you do search the Internet for more information about it. And every day, somebody makes money from them.

Why not you?

Once you get your first website up and running smoothly — it’s easy to start another … and another … and another. In addition to his main Coffee Detective website, Nick started a second site about “One Cup Coffee-Making.” He only spends between four and five hours a week maintaining his two coffee websites. Yet, as I mentioned earlier, he’s made as much as $4,500 in a single month.

Plus, as he adds more content and more and more people around the world get connected to the Internet, this figure will only grow.

Not Prepared to Rely on Social Security
Donna Meyer loves every minute she spends working on her website. One reason is that it’s about a city where she once lived, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, that she says “touches her heart and stirs her soul.” Right now, everything she has is tied up in a business in Arizona that’s currently for sale. When it sells, she plans to move back to San Miguel de Allende.

“I’m close to retirement age, as is my partner. Our Social Security checks are going to be miniscule, if they still exist at all,” she says.

A few years ago, she started searching for a way to make money online. She wanted a business she could do from anywhere. She also wanted something that brought in passive income that she could leave alone for “days or weeks at a time and know it was still making money.”

“Now that I know what I’m doing, building a second site will be easy,” she says.

In fact, she’s already started another website and plans to have at least four up and running in the not-too-distant future.

A Great Way to Attract Publicity to Your Business

John Sullivan’s “Santa in Chicago” website has helped him become a bit of a celebrity.

He was interviewed by the Chicago Tribune for a story that ran on Thanksgiving and his website is featured in the 2012 December issue of Chicago Magazine.

John, who has been playing Santa Claus for 24 years now, says his website has had a huge impact on his business.

Before his “Santa in Chicago” website, he used to have 10 or 15 bookings as Santa Claus during the holiday season. Now he has over 50 and says he could end up with over 60.

He says he’s turning down business “right, left, and center.”

“I’m 75. There’s a limit to what I can do,” he says.

And there’s another huge benefit that his website has brought him …

Previously, to book Santa appearances, he had to go through booking agencies … which took a huge chunk of his revenue as their fee.

Now thanks to his website, he books himself. That means he’s earning more money for every Santa job he takes on.

John has plans to write a book about his Santa experiences and believes his website will give him some added leverage when it comes to finding a publisher. A children’s book is also on his to-do list.

His advice to someone considering creating a Money-Making Website?

“A lot of people probably think about how they can make a lot of money. Instead, the first thing you should say to yourself is ‘Where are my interests?’ ‘What is my true love?’ It’s what Nick talks about in his program.”

Take Advantage of Nick’s Years of Fine-tuning

Before I tell you how to order your copy of How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites, here are some more things you’ll learn …

  • The number one mistake Web marketers make when they’re just starting out — Repeat it, and you’ll end up frustrated and wondering what went wrong. Avoid it, and you’ll be on the road to online riches.
  • A simple way to find out exactly who is using your website so you can tailor your content to them — Not many sites do this, but it’s an easy way to make sure your website conveys the right message to your visitors.
  • 9 online resources that should be on every online marketer’s “Favorites” list — Part of success online is having the best resources at your fingertips. These are nine resources no online marketer should be without.
  • 2 reasons why people will visit your website — Keep them in mind, and you’ll always have a steady stream of traffic flowing into your site.
  • 9 questions that will all but guarantee you’ll pick a winning website topic — One of the key reasons people fail … or worse, don’t even attempt to make money online … is that they don’t know how to pick the right topic for their website. This checklist will ensure your site topic will have the greatest potential for making money.
  • The one thing you must do before you start writing content for your website — Too few new marketers address this important issue.
  • 7 things you should do within 48 hours of publishing your website — Each one will get traffic flowing to your site immediately.
  • 8 powerful ways to get even more traffic flowing in to your website — Want even more traffic? Here are eight easy but powerful ways to capture more website traffic and bring in more money.
  • 9 factors to consider when coming up with the ideal domain name for your website — A poorly thought-out domain name can scare visitors away before they even visit your site. Here are nine things to consider to ensure your domain name attracts people to your website in droves.

One of the reasons I’m so excited about this is that all too often I’ve come across programs about some aspect of online marketing that are just too complicated for most people (including me) to actually do anything with. They’re full of marketing jargon and technical terms, and end with a lot of hype and big promises, none of which are actually attainable for most people.

Nick’s program is written in a way that’s easy for everyone to understand. Everything is laid out in an easy-to-follow, logical order. He uses real-life websites (his sites and other successful sites) as examples so you can really get a feel for what works.

Turning an Everyday Interest into a Virtual Cash Machine
I believe we’ve put together the best, most comprehensive program anyone could ever own when it comes to generating thousands of dollars a month from one simple little website.

After all, what we’re offering you are all the top secrets Nick has learned as a Web expert working for AOL, Microsoft, and Disney — where he became renowned for loading his clients’ websites with just the right words.

Plus, Nick is sharing all his personal experience of taking everyday, ordinary interests and turning them into virtual cash machines that are fun and easy to maintain and grow.

Remember, you’ll learn EVERYTHING you need to know to get your website up, running, attracting visitors, and making money:

  • You’ll know the quickest, easiest, and cheapest way to set up a professional-looking website.
  • You’ll know how to choose the best, most traffic-friendly topic for your site.
  • You’ll know how to pick a domain name for your website that will attract the most visitors.
  • You’ll know what each page on your site needs to do to maximize your profits.
  • You’ll know how to write copy that search engines (and your readers) love.
  • You’ll know how to write and structure a home page that grabs people’s interest and puts them in a “buying mood.”
  • You’ll know how to attract and keep “loyal customers” by keeping your website fresh and exciting.
  • You’ll know how to use internal site links to dramatically improve your search-engine rankings.
  • You’ll know where to find the best and highest-paying affiliates. (These guys are looking for websites like yours to list their ads on!)
  • You’ll know how to make even more money with Google AdSense and other forms of site advertising.
  • You’ll know the 7 things experts do within 48 hours of publishing a website to bring more visitors to the site faster.
  • You’ll know how to track your site’s performance and how to use the information to make your site better.
  • You’ll know how to use social media to increase your site’s exposure and maximize the number of people who visit your site each month.
  • And much, much more …

So … why wait another day when the sooner you start — the sooner your website can be up, running, and making money?


How to Write Your Own Money Making Website By Nick Usborne

Rebecca Matter
AWAI, Director of Online Marketing

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