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Chi Ball Master (Ki Ball) By Berardino Nardella – Instant Download!

Become a Master in the art of using spheres of universal energy.

What you’ll learn

  • At the end of the course, you will be able to create energetic spheres and use them for various purposes.
  • You will learn to perceive, attract, send, and move universal energy.


  • Having a minimum of experience with energy practices is advisable but not required.
  • To have a good starting point I suggest having at least achieved the second level of Reiki.


In this course you will learn how to create energy spheres that you can use for many purposes, including integrating this discipline if you already use energy practices such as Reiki.

But not only that, you will learn to use these spheres for yourself, for others, to realize your goals, to change reality and much, much more.

You’ll also learn how to use energy spheres to attune your students, if you’re already a Reiki Master, or if you still practice other energy disciplines.

This is because the chi ball is the most used method to give attunements remotely.

This is a key course for anyone who wants to undertake a holistic profession.

The course is accredited by IAOTH (International Association of Therapists) that will ensure the international recognition of the certification.

You will receive a special attunement, learn the theory, and learn how to attune your future students to this particular and powerful practice.

To make the most of this course, it would be better to already have a solid basis for energy disciplines.

My advice is to have achieved at least the second level of Reiki, so that you can easily take in all the information in the course.

But, even if you have no experience, you can still attend the course, because it is complete and it contains all the necessary information.

Are you ready to enter the mysterious, magical, and incredible world of energy that surrounds us?

Are you ready to shape your reality?

Who this course is for:

  • Everyone who wants to deepen their knowledge about universal energy
  • Everyone who wants to enrich their curriculum of holistic practices
  • Everyone who wants to embark on a spiritual journey
  • Everyone who is in search of effective methods of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual auto-healing
  • Everyone who wants to learn an effective, quick and extremely powerful energetic method


Berardino Nardella

Operatore olistico

Chi Ball Master (Ki Ball) By Berardino Nardella
4.7 Instructor Rating
10,592 Reviews
16,348 Students
105 Courses
Ciao a tutti,

mi chiamo Berardino Nardella, sono nato a Milano il 12 ottobre 1977.

Sono un operatore shiatsu dal 2002, la mia prima attività olistica che mi ha aperto le porte al mondo delle discipline olistiche e spirituali.

Fin dalla giovinezza sono alla ricerca delle risposte alle domande che fin dagli albori assillano l’umanità, quali chi siamo, da dove veniamo e dove stiamo andando.

Cosa che mi ha portato a studiare le religioni e le filosofie del mondo, nonché i miti e le leggende della cultura mondiale.

La mia ricerca spirituale mi ha portato a confrontarmi con tante diverse pratiche e realtà.

Ho studiato i meccanismi della nostra mente umana e i meccanismi dell’energia invisibile che ci circonda.

Ho frequentato tantissimi corsi, sia in presenza che online, sia italiani che in lingua inglese.

Ho quindi conosciuto tante discipline diverse che hanno arricchito le mie capacità e le mie conoscenze e che ti metto a disposizione nei miei corsi.

Ho moltissimi studenti, come puoi vedere, a cui tengo molto e con cui si è creato un bellissimo rapporto, seppur virtuale.

Loro mi chiamano affettuosamente maestro.

Ma il vero maestro è dentro di te che stai leggendo e dentro ognuno di loro, io sono solo un riflesso dell’enorme specchio che riflette la tua e la loro grandiosità, la tua e la loro vera essenza spirituale divina.

Hello to you all,

My name is Berardino Nardella, I was born in Milan on October 12, 1977.

I am a Shiatsu practitioner since 2002, my first holistic activity that opened me the doors to the world of holistic and spiritual disciplines.

Since my youth I have been searching for the answers to the questions that have plagued humanity since the dawn of time, who we are, where we come from and where we are going.

Which led me to study the world’s religions and philosophies, as well as the myths and legends of world culture.

My spiritual research led me to deal with many different practices and realities.

I have studied the mechanisms of our human mind and the mechanisms of the invisible energy that surrounds us.

I have attended many courses, both in presence and online, both Italian and English.

I have therefore known many different disciplines that have enriched my skills and knowledge and that I make available to you in my courses.

I have a lot of students, as you can see, who I really care about and with whom I have created a beautiful, albeit virtual, relationship.

They call me affectionately master.

But the true master is within you that you are reading and within each of them, I am only a reflection of the enormous mirror that reflects yours and theirs grandeur, yours and theirs true divine spiritual essence.



Rating: 5.0 out of 5
2 weeks ago
This was a very informative course! I really appreciated how the teacher described the large number of ways the Ki ball can be used; this was very interesting! The personal attunement is also a special and unique part of this course. Finally, I liked how all the lectures have been typed out so you can go back and re-read the teachings.

Carl V.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5
2 months ago
What a great experience it was to do the course, really expanded my view on uses of energy – and bringing it to my every day routine. Thank you for sharing your knowledge mr Bernardino. Looking forward to doing more courses with you.

Esperanza S.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5
2 months ago
Excelente herramienta!!! Superó mis expectativas!!! Desde el momento cero sentí la energía en mis manos y me sorprendí de varias de las explicaciones y tips, pues de manera natural algunas de ellas las practicaba sin saber por qué pero entendiendo que operaban con mis pacientes!!! Muchas Gracias!!! Es el segundo curso que tomo con Berardino!!!

Chi Ball Master (Ki Ball) By Berardino Nardella, what is it included (Content proofWatch here!)

  • Introduction
  • Energy sphere
  • Attunement
  • Practice
  • Attuning
  • To use the sphere
  • Conclusion