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Amber Jalink – Build Grow Launch Training

Archive : Amber Jalink – Build Grow Launch Training

What are these numbers? These are real numbers that membership sites have created and earned, most of them within 72 hours of launching…. One of them from open to close in under 21 hours. Recently.

The last number is not mine. But I watched it live. Literally, live. And it was incredible. Yes, in under 21 hours, that offer earned $1.3 million dollars.

So put away ALL doubts aside and just read every word on this page before you decide that this is the one thing that can change your entire future.

(Now I’ll cue the headline )

Whether you’ve ever released any product online or not, you’re going to discover the most powerful way to create your own LIFESTYLE BUSINESS and launch it to waiting, hungry buyers, even if you think it doesn’t fit your niche.

The Ultimate Live Case Study

You are just moments away from getting back-door access to a brand new course that will teach you EVERYTHING you need to create, build, grow and launch a membership site of your very own
when you join the Build Grow Launch Method Beta Class.

The most powerful step by step, “watch over my shoulder” Ultimate Live Case Study and training you’ve NEVER seen before, even if you have no desire to learn how to create a website.

Buckle up – the next 7 weeks can change your life forever – IF you grab our special back door access. But as a warning, this is the ONLY time this year I will be offering this. If you don’t get it now – you will have to wait till 2018 – “IF” I choose to release it again. (I wasn’t planning on it).

You’ll get:

  • 7 Core training lessons (how to take any idea – yes ANY idea – and turn it into a money sucking lifestyle business from start to finish)
  • Advanced Bonus access: 7 incredible weeks of watching me, over my shoulder as I create and launch a site to the public (not beta, in full), WHILE you are going through your core training. (This runs simultaneously so you know every stage is done correctly)
  • Step by step workbook, tools and templates (so you know exactly what to do next)
  • 12 months access to the Build Grow Launch method private facebook group

IF ONLY you could stop accessing “courses” that tell you the things you need to do to launch a site, ignoring some of the most important parts… and instead actually WATCH someone do it!

Let’s get real. There’s a ton of offers hitting you in every direction. In fact, I bet today alone you’ve seen a bare minimum of 5 emails hitting your inbox, with something to sell you, enticing you to get that “one more thing” to help you have your success. (It’s probably more like 25)

Except you find that there are anywhere from 1-5 upsells to “truly” help you.

You may give in and buy all 5… only to find you’re:

  1. totally overwhelmed and can’t get through it all
  2. “IF” you get through it all, you struggle with the implementation

Of course they often then “upsell” you later to buy another higher ticket course in an effort to teach you how to do something for your business.

There’s some really great courses out there, teaching you concepts such as how to structure a membership site, how to build your promotions, how to launch it.

But after seeing many of them, I can assure you, almost every single one of them (100% that I’ve personally seen), completely skips some of the most important steps in the process!

Worse, they typically tell you to outsource it.

What on earth do you do if you don’t have the funds to do that?? Unfortunately, it stops too many people from the success they deserve.

Sure, some of them cover the details on how to pick a product, or how to create your own.

The marketing side is absolutely a critical process that all of these courses cover.

And of course several of them focus on the launch process, getting JVs and so on.

But there is a major absolutely MAJOR piece missing, that I’ve had several of our customers beg me for:

A complete, UNCOMPLICATED method that shows Every. Single. Step.

Not just the “you should do this”… but the “this is HOW you do it”.

This is the part where all of the other courses skip.

Yes, EVEN the $2,000-$5,000 courses.

Get Amber Jalink – Build Grow Launch Training on

And have you noticed, that either leaves you:

  1. A) floundering to figure everything out (until in most cases you give up)
  2. B) Outsourcing to get it created (without knowing if it’s done right… and costing you a probably not so small fortune to get it done)

Or worse yet,

  1. C) giving up to move onto something else that is hopefully simpler to get going with. (You haven’t been sucked in by “sos” (Shiny Object Syndrome), right? Truthfully? Probably!)

Before I continue, I want to ask you a few blunt questions.

It may hurt a little, but I’m going to ask you to be 1000% honest with yourself.

Yes, I said 1000% – not 100%. After all, it’s easy to lie to ourselves or make excuses, isn’t it? To find reasons to fail.

So take the next few minutes please and really think about these. (Take a piece of paper if you need to and write down your answers). Gut check time:

Why are you working online?

To earn more money right?

Of course… but why?

(Could be to add some extra income for your family… to replace a job, retire).

Now think deeper… WHY?

Why is it so important for you to do this? Is this just for fun so you can dabble a little?

Or are you really looking to make this internet thing work?

Perhaps you don’t want to be floundering at a job that you hate.

Perhaps you need to earn some extra money just to survive because your job doesn’t pay enough.

Perhaps you or your significant other have lost your/their job, and you need to replace that income.

Perhaps you’re tired of a long commute, or only seeing family members part of the time because you have to travel too much for a job you’re currently bound to.

Perhaps you have family members who think that you won’t succeed..

Is that you?

Dig deeper. WHY??

So you don’t have to worry every month?

So you don’t have to borrow from credit cards just to pay a bill, hoping you can pay it off next month?

So you can put your kids in sports, dance, or some other activity?

So you don’t have to say “no we can’t afford it”?

So you can retire from your job and stop working for someone else?

In your gut… isn’t that almost painful?

It’s truly the reason why you’re here, isn’t it?

You are looking to earn or expand your income online.

… so you can fix your problem… your deeper problems, and stop the pain and frustration you’re feeling.

How does that make you feel? Completely frustrated I’m sure.

Look – the definition of insanity is “doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result”. Following the typically recommended “create a report and sell it” or “email affiliate offers” to make your money – simply doesn’t provide the income you need to get to where you want to be. That means…

Build Grow Launch Training

So let’s turn it around to the positive:

  • Wouldn’t you LOVE to enjoy what you do – not to do it because you have to, but because you WANT to?
  • Wouldn’t you love the to feel the joy, the fun and excitement of seeing consistent sales coming through?
  • Wouldn’t it feel amazing to be proud of what you’ve accomplished?
  • To know you’ve done it, to have the success you truly want?

Let me tell you a true fact, that you can probably relate to. From my own experience… it’s absolutely gut-wrenching to feel that you can’t provide for your family… to have to say no to basic things. To have to go to a job you hate, or are completely bored and miserable at.

It’s even more painful to have your family brush off your plans with a “Yep, you can do this” remark but you know deep in your gut that they don’t believe you can. It’s all talk to them.

I will admit something I’ve never admitted publicly before: Years ago, I cried over this at times. Seriously. There were ups and downs, as with any business, but it devastated me when I knew – truly knew – that this internet thing would work, and could work. But it killed me when I tried to get something to work, and it didn’t – because I missed the right pieces.

Yet I knew in my heart I needed the determination to plow through and find a way.

(Sidenote, my husband has ALWAYS been supportive and has never criticized any of my online business… however, *I* knew it was there in the back of his mind, when things would just trickle.)

And that made me feel like a failure at times.

I’m a real person, just like you. I can completely relate to those feelings because I’ve been through it.

Fast forward to today. Yes, there’s still ups and downs, but now – this year in particular, I looked back on everything I did in the past. I took stock of it. I knew what worked, and what didn’t.

And I knew that while I had everything lined up, there were still a couple of things even I missed – not so much missed but didn’t get right, and I knew SOMETHING was just not quite right.

Even though I had it all, I still messed up in a few places. Yes, in EVERY one of my most successful sites, I still screwed up some aspects. (Goes to show you, even after 20 years of being online and launching many sites, even successful ones – there’s still stuff to learn!)

And then I watched a process, one that brought in 6 figures in one week. And saw 3 other people do the same. And I’ve seen others do 5 figure launches in that time or less as well.

And I realized exactly what was missing.

And that was confirmed when I attended that conference at the end of June, and I actually watched live, $1.3 million be earned in under 21 hours.

Yet still – there is a HUGE piece missing that even they flushed over. Yes, even that $1.3 million dollar launch.

And that’s why I’m here right now.

If you’ve been on my lists any amount of time, you know that back in January we launched a “profit challenge”, to let people see me launch several info type products over a period of time. And of course I gave them the tools I used, told them what software, and gave several quick tutorials on how I created the products.

But a common question cropped up.

And it’s cropped up elsewhere – not just in my groups, but even in others I belong to.

And NOT ONE person has ever stepped up to the plate to reveal it all. (Especially not with massive insane overwhelm).

Even the Gurus. (I’m NOT bashing that term in any way – many of them truly are incredible experts).

So here’s the thing… I have an invitation for you. And in a way, you can get paid for it.

(Heads up: this isn’t something new I’m doing to take me away from other things. The fact is, I’m already doing it – I’m just letting you IN on it to SEE me do it, as I go through the entire process, you get to watch and see it so you can implement too).

Unlike all of the varying launch courses out there… and the different “create a product and sell it” or “create a membership site and make money” offers…

I officially invite you to watch me, with STEP BY STEP VIDEOS and walk throughs as I
Build, Grow, and Launch a new membership site.

REMEMBER as I said at the start:

I don’t care who you are, what your level of expertise online is, whether you do coloring books or offline customers or ecommerce– I can assure you this is the strategy to change your life like you’ve never seen before.

If you haven’t successfully launched a website in the past, this is for you.

If you’re a technophobe, but willing to do just a few simple things, this is for you.

If you’ve never considered launching a membership site, it’s for you.

If you’ve released any products of any kind, or even just created some but not had much success – this is for you.

If you get STOPPED because you feel you don’t have the knowledge, this is for you.

If you have ANY determination to prove EVERYONE wrong, to prove you CAN succeed and finally make it work – this is for you.

If you are willing to follow along with me, you will be able to launch your OWN membership site, WITHOUT having to pay big money to someone to build it for you, and you’ll ALWAYS know how to do it.