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Alex Loyd – Immune System Master Key

Archive : Alex Loyd – Immune System Master Key

Dear reader,

I truly feel bad.

Millions of people, yourself included, are walking around with sub-optimal health, and in addition often suffer from depression, anxiety and self sabotage… because of the old, outdated information you’ve been told by well-meaning doctors and media outlets.

It’s not their fault they’re giving you the wrong advice. The western world has not yet come to terms with the fact that most information today about your internal and external health is outdated, misinterpreted, and sometimes even dangerous to your health.

It’s not your fault, either. After all, these are the people you’re supposed to depend on to keep you healthy and living at maximum health!

But the sad fact is…

Your Mental And Physical Health Has Been Sabotaged
By A Dangerous And Destructive Enemy
Most Doctors Don’t Know Exists!

Hi, my name is Dr. Alex Lloyd. I hold a Ph.D. in psychology and an N.D. in natural medicine. I’m also the #1 bestselling author of “The Healing Codes”, which has sold more than ONE MILLION + copies since 2011.

Before we go further, let me ask you a question.

Ever wonder WHY nothing has worked for you? Ever wonder WHY you’ve tried everything under the sun to improve your mood and unlock your heart to a happier life, yet you’re stuck in the same rut you were when you started? Ever wonder WHY doctors keep ramming dozens of different “band aid solutions” down your throat that only deal with the symptoms, empty your pockets and never address the true source of the problem, which can lead to even greater issues.

I’ve been studying these questions my entire professional career.

It all started almost 30 years ago, when I was absolutely convinced that we had hidden immune systems no one had ever discovered. Long before it was popular or common knowledge, I knew that we are not just a physical being, but that mind and spirit were equally as important as the body. I believed each of those parts could become stressed and negatively effect the others.

Turns out, I was right

Since discovering these hidden factors which dictate your physical, mental and emotional health, I’ve become one of the most well-known, respected, and talked about experts in the world on the subject of healing your body from the inside out.

Much of my time today is spent lecturing all over the world live, on radio, the Internet, and TV. I’ve been featured live on NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, and PBS News programs as an expert in healing the core issues underlying 95% of modern illness and disease.

I’ve also been seen in USA Today, People, Time magazine, and many other print media publications. My work and I were the subject of a special that aired on PBS about healing the source of problems versus managing symptoms.

The results my clients get.

Our business runs primarily on word-of-mouth advertising and marketing from referrals and clients. Many who have achieved spectacular healing and reclaim the love, passion and happiness they once had in their life… while removing all or most of the “symptoms” they came in with.

That shows you the immense power of what I’m about to tell you.

But I have to warn you…

What you’re about to read is controversial. It will open up entire new ways of thinking and stretch your mind to possibilities you’ve never imagined were achievable (I’ll show you they are).

In fact this next statement alone is liable to get me in hot water with government big wigs and hot shot attorneys trying to “shut me up” so they can continue selling you prevention cures that don’t work.

You see, the FACT is…

Scientists Have Proven That 95% Of All Modern Disease Is Caused By “Destructive Cellular Memories”


In 2008, Dr. Bruce Lipton, the world-renowned leader in cellular biology and quantum physics, and a former Stanford Medical School Research Cellular Biologist, published one of the most controversial yet compelling books in the history of medicine, called “The Biology of Belief”.

In this book he scientifically PROVED, along with an agreement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), that STRESS is the primary driving factor behind 95% of all modern disease

Dr. Bruce Lipton

But it gets better…

He discovered that a specific type of stress, stress caused by something called “destructive cellular memories” which cause wrong beliefs… is the type of stress causing 95% of all modern illness and disease.

Let me explain.

Dr. Lipton has scientifically proven that our DNA is guided by electromagnetic signals which are produced by our senses, thoughts, beliefs and emotions. This means that your DNA is not in control of your cells; your beliefs and how you respond to the environment are.

Your subconcious beliefs control your DNA.

Here’s how it works.

Step #1: Physical Stres

You experience a stressful situation, either internally or externally. You may be either conscious or unconscious of this stressful situation.


Step #2: Chaotic Frequencies

This stress is created in the form of a negative frequency, also known as “chaotic hertz”, which we’ll discuss below.


Step #3: Imprinted Cellular Memory

These negative frequencies create destructive cellular memories and cause mutation or “cell suicide”.


What’s important to note is that you don’t need to FEEL stressed in order for this process to occur. This process happens as your cells store memories of…

  • Physical stress from accidents, surgeries, abuse, fighting, etc…
  • Emotional stress from heartache, fear, guilt, anger, overwhelm, etc…
  • Mental stress from worry, low self-esteem, unworthiness, etc…

These cellular memories are crucial to the health of your body… physically, emotionally and mentally.

In fact, according to Dr. Eric Nestler…

“Your Cellular Memories Can Mean The Difference.
Between A Healthy Life… And Death”

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He continues…

“Diseases that show up later in life could be due to negative memories programmed into cells as you age. Cancer can be considered the result of bad cellular memories replacing good ones. Psychological trauma, addiction, and depression may all be linked to such abnormal memories inside cells.” – Dr. Eric Nestler, MD, Ph.D.

Most medical doctors agree that the immune system is capable of healing just about anything if it’s not suppressed by stress. And it is a widely accepted belief that when your immune system is working correctly, it’s impossible to get sick.

But since negative frequencies can malfunction or even “turn off” the immune system, you become susceptible to all kinds of health issues.

Dr. Eric Nestler, MD, Ph.D.

This fully explains why…

Until You Fix The Underlying Energy
Controlling Your Health At A Cellular Level…
It’s Impossible To Be Fully Healthy And Happy!

Western medicine is based on the principle that you can “see” the known cause of any disease, disorder or problem you’re facing.

If you have back problems, they’ll immediately give you an XRAY to determine your spine and disc alignment.

If you have weight problems, they’ll immediately ask about your diet and exercise habits.

If you have depression, they’ll have you talk to someone about it, load you up on depression pills which cause more harm than good, and send you on your way.

While these types of treatments may give temporary relief in the short-term, what doctors today miss is that these problems stem from a much, much more deep-rooted problem.Your cellular memories.

More, these chronic negative cellular memories are a key indication explaining the phenomenon you probably know all too well…

Chronic “Mystery” Pain
And Negative Feelings For No Reason

I’m sure you’ve been there.

You go to the doctors with a pain or miserable mood… yet you can’t figure out why you feel that way. Or maybe it’s an unsettling feeling in the back of your mind causing you to worry, be anxious and even fearful of the future. Maybe you’ve been gaining weight for no apparent reason. Maybe your relationships have begun to crumble.

Maybe you can’t focus at work… or any sense of “peace” in your life has gone out the window… or…

… you get the idea.

If you’ve ever talked to a doctor about any of these problems, you’ve likely heard the response “Give it a few weeks, then come back and tell me if your situation has improved”.

A few weeks go by. The situation has not improved. It’s gotten worse. So you go back and the doctor gives you a generic prescription to cover up the problem. You feel a little better so you’re happy, but then weeks later, a new problem emerges out of the blue.

This Is Your Body Screaming For Help!

This is a common occurrence in the private clients I work with, before they come to me. I’ve heard this story thousands of times and I’m sure you’ve gone through something similar.

The reason you continue getting new problems just a short while after you cover up an existing issue has nothing to do with you or anything you’re doing wrong. You’ve simply been given the wrong information and solutions that cover up only part of the problem.

In fact, you may have even ventured out to find solutions on your own after months… maybe even years of suffering from a lack of joy, happiness, peace and ill health in your life. And you’ve come across many solutions such as positive thinking, all-natural supplements, and even meditation.

But again we hit another roadblock, because the fact is…

Positive Thinking…
Supplements… And Even Meditation…
Do NOT Work By Themselves

This statement is liable to get the gurus and big-wigs chasing me with pitchforks, but I fully stand by the fact that things such as positive thinking, supplements, and yes, EVEN meditation……

DO NOT WORK… by themselves.

Let me explain.

The reason positive thinking, supplements and meditation don’t work is because, again, it’s not getting to the core of the problem. It’s like riding a bicycle uphill. You’ll make a little progress in the beginning, but after awhile you’ll be too tired… too exhausted to continue further as your results wane.

The moment you let up, you begin to slowly reverse course, peddling backward down the hill.

Within moments you’re barreling down the hill, backward, and wind up exactly where you started. Or even worse!

You see, there’s a power much stronger at play which is pushing against you harder than you can push against it. It’s pushing you back 2 steps for every 1 step you take forward.

Fix this problem and you can finally unlock the true power of positive thinking, supplements and meditation. You can begin manifesting amazing transformations in your life like renewed energy… vigor and unlimited happiness, joy and peace without effort.